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Willem Lambrechts

The regulatory sword of Damocles

The Critical Importance of Archiving Digital Contracts and Signatures in the Context of European eIDAS, NIS2, and DORA Regulations As digital transformation accelerates, the shift from paper to digita...

12 Jul 2024
Willem Lambrechts

The pre-seed funding gap.

56 % drop in fintech investments...interesting number... however, the headline doesn't tell it all... The total amount invested in fintechs fell 56 %, ok. However , the total number of investments in ...

16 Feb 2023
Fintech innovation and startups
Willem Lambrechts

ESG and International Sales : how to marry them?

Covid-19, or rather the measures taken to try and prevent the virus from spreading, had a major impact on the global society. This is not likely to become the hot news of the day... Environment, Susta...

15 Apr 2022
Sustainable compliance
Willem Lambrechts

What a day! Fix Emea 2022 in London

What a day last Thursday! 2 years and 2 weeks elapsed since the last FIX EMEA trading conference in London! An absolute eternity! I felt excited like a schoolboy leaving home for the first day of the ...

29 Mar 2022
Capital Markets Technology
Willem Lambrechts

Public Cloud - Private Cloud - or no cloud?

Amazon, Google, Azure,...all three public cloud providers were forced to inform their clients and shareholders about vulnerabilities in the software they use and make available to their customers. Nob...

14 Dec 2021
Cloud Banking out of the Box
Willem Lambrechts


Funny, it doesn’t sound like that when I attend a sales planning session or a review…the buzzwords popping up in those meetings read like : lead generation, growth hacking, warm and cold calling, C-le...

25 May 2021
Fintech innovation and startups
Willem Lambrechts

Sales for start- and scale-ups : 5 lessons learned

Lesson 1 : Sales should be on the top of your business plan! Do you remember the 4 P’s of the marketing mix? Product Price Promotion Place 3 out of the 4 factors refer to sales, only 1 to the produc...

26 Aug 2020
Fintech innovation and startups
Willem Lambrechts

How relationships change a sales funnel into a sales pipeline

“In 1898, E. St. Elmo Lewis developed a model that mapped a theoretical customer journey from the moment a brand or product attracted consumer attention to the point of action or purchase.” That is t...

13 Aug 2020
Digital Sales
Willem Lambrechts

The Loudest Voice

Governments are cautiously starting to relax the lockdown. Economic life, or what is left of it, starts picking up. Everybody is encouraged to “go digital” and work from home. That is probably fair en...

18 May 2020
Digital Sales
Willem Lambrechts

NLP and Sales Part II : success has many fathers, failure is an orphan

A couple of years ago, I was involved, as a, or rather, as the sales rep in a multimillion Euro deal between a major bank and a young, very promissing, technology company. Obviously, as the sales rep...

06 Mar 2020
Marketing in Financial Services
Willem Lambrechts

NLP AND SALES , PART 1 : COMMUNICATION - an interesting paradox

June 1985, the author of this piece graduates from College. He proudly shows his Certificate titled : "Specialist in marine electronics"! The main subject during the whole curriculum was com...

03 Dec 2019
Digital Sales
Willem Lambrechts


A river is a natural flowing watercourse, usually freshwater, flowing towards an ocean, sea, lake or another river. (source Wikipedia) A lake is an area filled with water, localized in a basin, surrou...

11 Oct 2019
Data Management 101

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