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Martin Bailey

How much is too much ?

At the tender age of 17, I was not particularly financially savvy. When the company I worked for moved to a new head office, it was a similar distance from my home to the old one, but the public trans...

25 Nov 2011
Martin Bailey

Democracy in action

Just supposing your bank was perceived to have done something unpopular with the general public and a Twitter campaign began against your institution. When would you know? When an automatic system det...

11 Jul 2011
Finance 2.0
Martin Bailey

Can I borrow some Euros?

A Greek man walks into your bank looking to extend his mortgage. He currently owes about 45K. He has a modest salary of 12K per year, but unfortunately, he currently gets through 15K, thus overspend

20 Jun 2011
Martin Bailey

At Your Service

Unsurprisingly, working for a software house specialising in Core Banking systems, we spend a fair proportion of our time talking about customer service and what banking customers really want from the...

03 Jun 2011
Finance 2.0
Martin Bailey

Stop! you're peeing in my soup...

A friend of mine maintains that to have a non-smoking area in a restaurant is akin to having a non-peeing area in a public swimming pool and he probably has a point, so I wonder what he makes of the

18 Apr 2011
Martin Bailey

Armageddon - could you cope ?

It may not be everyone’s idea of a fun Saturday night, but my wife disappearing to the theatre with her friends offered a rare opportunity to catch up with the backlog of recorded TV programs that hav...

04 Apr 2011

Now hiring