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Neil Clarke

The Race to Open Banking is underway

As the dust continues to settle after the momentous decision by UK to leave the EU, the implications in terms of EU regulation are pretty clear, with the FCA stating whilst the UK remains in the EU (f...

15 Aug 2016
Neil Clarke

De-risking payments system overhaul - a New Year’s resolution?

So another year begins and for many this brings a New Year's resolution – getting fit to name but one. For many financial institutions however I wonder if the resolution could be to (finally) start t...

11 Jan 2016
Neil Clarke

Central Banking Market Infrastructures move to ISO 20022

Real time gross settlement (RTGS) has now become the established mechanism by which country and sometimes regional payment infrastructures enable safe settlement of high value payments between ban

26 Oct 2015
Neil Clarke

Financial Standards - a pandemic of complexity for the Financial Services industry

For millennia mankind has been fighting viral mutations, not only those that affecting humans, but also those impacting harvested flora and fauna. However, though significantly less life threatening, ...

02 Jun 2015
Neil Clarke

Corporates catch on to ISO 20022

It is reasonable to say that historically, standardisation in financial messaging over electronic networks has been driven by SWIFT on behalf of the banks – initially FIN MT messaging (based on ISO 77...

08 Sep 2014

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