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Matt White

Telegraph's Twitter Fall fails

Somewhat surprisingly, the rather 'traditional' Daily Telegraph has embraced the hip new thing that is Twitter. So, it decided to add a UK Budget Twitter Fall (live streaming update of tweets) to its...

20 Apr 2009
Matt White

Bailed out JP Morgan goes jet shopping

According to ABC News, JP Morgan Chase is going ahead with plans to spend $138 million on two corporate jets and a "luxury" hanger to house them. But, incase you were thinking that seems a ...

23 Mar 2009
Matt White

AML systems no substitute for ethics

When a bank implements a nice, shiny new AML system, Finextra dutifully reports it. The vendor tells us how wonderful the technology is and how it will stop naughty people behaving badly. The proble...

13 Mar 2009
Matt White

HSBC pushes ahead with IT integration project

Here at Finextra we've been keeping a close eye on the progress of One HSBC, an ambitious five year programme that aims to migrate the bank's global operations onto a single technology platform. It w...

03 Mar 2009
Matt White

CME distances itself from Obama-bashing reporter

CME Group has just put out a rather strange statement letting us know that it doesn't endorse the views expressed by journalists reporting from its trading floor. Presumably the move comes after CNBC...

25 Feb 2009
Matt White

Jack Straw hit by hackers

Justice secretary Jack Straw is plastered all over the papers this morning after it emerged his hotmail account has been hacked by Nigerian scammers. The crims used the account to e-mail hundreds of ...

25 Feb 2009
Matt White

Intuit demands Mint proves user numbers

As the recession bites, more and more of us are turning to personal finance management tools to keep control of dwindling funds. One of the big boy in the US is Intuit with its Quicken Online offerin...

24 Feb 2009
Futuristic Banking
Matt White

Justice department goes phishing

The US Department of Justice has taken a breather from chasing the bad guys to go phishing. According to the AP, the department sent out an e-mail to its own staff purporting to be from the "Thri...

03 Feb 2009
Matt White

Desperate banks turn to drugs

An unlikely saviour for the world's banking system has been identified by Antonio Maria Costa, the boss of the United Nations' crime and narcotics watchdog - drugs money. In an interview with Austrian...

30 Jan 2009
Matt White

Lies, damned lies and statistics

Here at Finextra we try to maintain a healthy level of scepticism when it comes to research and surveys commissioned by firms with a vested interest in getting a certain kind of result. We're inundate...

30 Jan 2009
Matt White

Social networking makes you live longer - official

Social networking sites: apparently they can help you find love, get that dream job and even, we're now told, live longer. That's the claim made in a press release put out today by, you guessed it, a ...

23 Jan 2009
Matt White

Intuit makes tax returns easy - unless you're Tim Geithner

Barack Obama's nominee for Treasury secretary, Tim Geithner, has been getting a bit of a hard time at his confirmation hearing over some taxes he failed to pay a few years ago. During questions from ...

22 Jan 2009

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