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Anna Becker

Dr. Anna Becker from Endotech on What AI Has to Say About the Latest Bitcoin Surge….or Bubble

It's 2021 all over again, at least for veteran cryptocurrency Bitcoin. After tanking in the wake of the FTX scandal last fall, Bitcoin– as well as some other crypto currencies – have rebounded nicely,...

28 Mar 2023
Artificial Intelligence and Financial Services
Anna Becker

Hedge Funds Lost $125 Billion in 2022; Endotech CEO on How Science Can Help Them Recover

The markets weren't kind to hedge funds in 2022 – and if investors weren't paying attention, the media made sure they got the message. “Top hedge funds earned sharply less for clients in 2022,” “Hedg...

12 Feb 2023
Artificial Intelligence and Financial Services
Anna Becker

Why The Crypto Industry Needs to Self-Regulate – Now

After perpetrating what appears to be one of the biggest Ponzi schemes of all time – out-Madoffing Madoff, as it were – Sam Bankman Fried has been arrested, indicted and will likely serve time. And th...

16 Jan 2023
Artificial Intelligence and Financial Services
Anna Becker

Two Sides of the Coin: How regulation can stifle--or encourage-- fintech innovation

Just last week, protestors gathered in Amsterdam to speak out against the ongoing detention of Tornado Cash developer Alexey Pertsev. Pertsev is still being held without charge by Dutch Authorities i...

28 Aug 2022
Anna Becker

How the crypto crisis is changing trading platforms for the better

The world’s second-largest crypto trading platform FTX recently raised some eyebrows when it said its US affiliate will offer zero-commission equities trading. It is a pioneering move; although we ha...

14 Jun 2022
Cryptocurrency Insights

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