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Gabriel Hopkins

A Year In, the Outlook for Generative AI in FS

Just over a year ago, ChatGPT launched. The excitement, anxiety and optimism associated with the new AI shows little sign of abating. In November OpenAI CEO Sam Altman was removed from his position, o...

14 Dec 2023
Artificial Intelligence and Financial Services
Gabriel Hopkins

Adverse Media Screening: Shielding Reputations

In different regulatory jurisdictions worldwide, adverse media screening is increasingly being used to protect banks and other financial service providers from risk and associated penalties. These sys...

03 Oct 2023
Artificial Intelligence and Financial Services
Gabriel Hopkins

Wirecard: Inside and Outside the Tsunami

There’s no shortage of articles in the press this week and last about the start of the prosecution of Wirecard executives for fraud, but how is it possible that such a large-scale fraud took so long ...

13 Dec 2022
Exposing Financial Crime
Gabriel Hopkins

Turning the tide: How AI can support the financial crime battle against modern slavery

As recently as 2020, the Centre for Social Justice estimated that there were 100,000 or more modern slaves in the UK. And estimates suggest that globally indentured labour generates between $50-150bn...

21 Jun 2022
Gabriel Hopkins

Opportunities for UK Challenger Banks to address AML Compliance

With their innovative products and services challenger banks have revolutionised the banking sector. They offer greater flexibility and choice to consumers, something that their legacy competitors are...

06 Jun 2022
Gabriel Hopkins

Back IRL - Talking about Fintech and Marketing Trends - including Metaverse

It has been WAY too long! I may be a little late to the party, but I was really surprised at what a delight it was to be back in a crowded room full of people talking about the latest trends in finte...

03 May 2022
Marketing in Financial Services
Gabriel Hopkins

Time to Talk Turkey

With the constant barrage of news related to Covid-19, it is sometimes easy to forget about the complex geo-political world we live in and the difficult and seemingly intractable problems that fill i...

15 Dec 2021
Gabriel Hopkins

Cryptocurrencies, Central Banks, Coffees and Cab Drivers

After decades of working in technology, I thought I knew about the latest tech trends, so it was surprising in 2015 or 2016 to get some advice from a taxi driver that I was missing out on investing i

28 Oct 2021
Cryptocurrency Insights

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