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1068 Results from 2020

Steve Morgan

Steve Morgan Banking Industry Market Lead at Pegasystems

Can Banks Do More to Support Their Customers Through COVID-19?

In the last few decades, it is easy to generalise that banking has been, like most industries, focused on the quarterly, half, and full-year financial results. While this generalisation is unfair, the pandemic has highlighted that more should, and needs, to be done in terms of focussing on the needs of the customer. The COVID-19 pandemic highligh...

/retail /covid-19 Customer Service 2015-2019-2025

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Beating payments fraud in 2021

The key types of digital payments fraud, ecommerce risk management tactics, and the tools to fight back When it comes to digital payments, ensuring that all genuine transactions are processed smoothly while avoiding fraudulent ones can feel like a constant battle. As preventative technology evolves so does fraud, which is why constant vigilance ...

/payments /predictions Fintech

Bob Lyddon

Bob Lyddon Consultant at Lyddon Consulting Services

Unicredit ejects the pilot as it prepares to be stuffed in merger with Monte dei Paschi

Jean-Pierre Mustier is to step down as CEO of Unicredit Group, in which he restored Faith and Hope over the last few years. He baulked at Charity: agreeing a merger with Monte dei Paschi di Siena (MPS) on the terms acceptable to the Italian government. There is a valuation gap of about €20 billion: the Italian government would be wanting about €6 b...

/retail /wholesale

Gabe McGloin

Gabe McGloin Head of Business Development EMEA at Verifi at Verifi Inc

Are chargebacks heading for extinction?

Chargebacks have existed since the early days of distance selling – the predecessor of e-commerce. Mail-in catalogues and Avon ladies were some of the earliest ways consumers could purchase products and wait for them to arrive at their door. Chargebacks have been a part of this cycle since just after the Consumer Credit Act of 1974. From missed de...

/payments Payments strategies 2015-2020-2030

Darshna Shah

Darshna Shah Lead Data Scientist at Elastacloud

A Data Scientist’s introduction to sustainable finance

A marked change in atmospheric carbon has always been incompatible with Earth’s stability, and has been a feature of all 5 mass extinctions. In previous events in has taken volcanic activity up to one million years to increase atmospheric carbon to cause a catastrophe, but an extremely fast and energy-thirsty growth has led to similar events occur...

/sustainable Artificial Intelligence and Financial Services

Thomas Pintelon

Thomas Pintelon Head of Strategy at Capilever

More flexibility in business loans, now more than ever

In a previous blog on whether "credits are not too commoditized" we shared some thoughts on how banks can differentiate more based on offered credit services rather than just interest rate. The blog mainly focused on private purpose loans, but similar trends and needs exist for businesses/SMEs. In this blog we won’t focus on large corpor...

/retail Trends in Financial Services

Anatoly Kaptsan

Anatoly Kaptsan VP & Chief R&D Officer at Compass Plus

Omnichannel banking, a myth or reality

Omnichannel as a concept, is omni-present: it’s something that the industry has been discussing for years, but, particularly in banking, a true omnichannel experience is still a rare, almost mythical phenomenon. For years, financial institutions (FIs) have been working hard to ensure that they offer their customers the multiple touchpoints, such as...

/payments /retail

Laurent Descout

Laurent Descout CEO at NEO Capital Markets

Managing treasury operations safely and securely from a remote environment

The events of 2020 have caused many people to reassess how they manage their businesses. Treasurers were forced into an unprecedented situation where they had to manage cash and international payments from suppliers and customers at a time of significant uncertainty and instability – all while working remotely. This was new territory for them, and...

/payments /covid-19 Treasury Management

Joris Lochy

Joris Lochy Product Manager at Intix | Co-founder at Capilever

Peer-to-peer payments - A crucial component towards a cashless society

The Corona crisis has led to an exponential decrease in the usage of cash, due to the associated hygienic problems and the enormous rise of eCommerce. While in commercial transactions cash is disappearing rapidly, it is however still commonly used for informal money exchanges, like between friends, family, colleagues…​, but also those payments are ...

/payments The Payments Business

Chris Principe

Chris Principe CEO at APB, Inc.

Who can it be now?

Who can it be now? Who can it be knocking at my door? Go 'way, don't come 'round here no more. Who can it be now? These 1981 lyrics of Men at Work foretold the usage of Facial Recognition (FR) today. The changes brought on by the great pandemic of COVID-19 have given governments a justifiable reason for the increase of CCTV cameras using FR technol...

/payments /crypto The Payments Business

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