Joris Lochy

Joris Lochy

Product Manager at Intix | Co-founder at Capilever
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Bio Independent Product Management Consultant, helping customers in the Fintech space to innovate, i.e. from ideation to conceptualization to implementation, taking on different roles and responsibilities (business analysis, functional and technical design, solution architecture and project management). Career History Active in the financial services industry, since 2003: - 8 years at Accenture - 3 years at CSC - 3 years at Deutsche Bank - 3.5 years at The Glue - 4.5 years at Monizze



From Penalties to Best Practices: The True Cost of Compliance

08 Jul 2024

Over the past two decades, the banking industry has faced staggering penalties for non-compliance, totaling an astonishing $387,559,149,283 (source: Violation Tracker). This colossal sum underscores a pressing issue: despite numerous efforts, the financial sector continues to grapple with compliance, with no signs of the penalties decreasing. Ever...

Exposing Financial Crime

Uniting Forces: A Holistic Approach to Financial Crime

17 Jun 2024

Financial institutions face increasing challenges in combating financial crime. While technology has significantly advanced (e.g. thanks to AI), the methods employed by criminals have also evolved, becoming more sophisticated and harder to detect. One of the crucial challenges in this battle is the siloed approach to detecting and combating financ...

The Payments Business

The Hidden Complexity Behind a Simple Bank Payment

10 Jun 2024

As a regular consumer, you might not realize that a simple wire transfer to a company or a friend launches a complex and lengthy payment flow. This process involves multiple financial institutions and diverse IT systems. In this blog, we explore a typical payment flow at a financial institution. The complexity of the payment flow stems from increa...


Digital Banking Trends

Demystifying Investing: The Power of Digital and Generative AI

03 Jun 2024

With an audience of fintech enthusiasts, I am probably preaching to the choir, but investing your excess savings remains critical to preserving and hopefully increasing the buying power of your hard-earned money. Unfortunately in practice, this is easier said than done. After years of great enthusiasm, investments in robo-advisors seem to be retur...

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