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1068 Results from 2020

Josh Li

Josh Li Chief Business Officer at Roxe

Advances in Blockchain Technology Are Driving Development of Central Bank Digital Currencies

Central banks are asking themselves a key question: “Are we ready for a Central Bank Digital Currency?” A Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) is drawing closer for many nations: In a Bank for International Settlements (BIS) survey, 70% of responding banks said they are engaged in, or planning to begin, work on a CBDC. Central banks that adopt a C...

/payments /crypto Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

Luc Gueriane

Luc Gueriane CCO at Moorwand

Will cashlessness prompt a rise in business banking for merchants?

Cashless payments were on the rise way before the pandemic. However, COVID-19 has forced consumers to abandon notes and coins in favour of mobile and contactless card payments. Recently, Nationwide revealed that, in a poll of 2,000 Brits, more than a quarter have gone two or more months without using cash. In addition, the usage of ATMs has seen a...

/payments /people

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Digitalize-or-Die Crossroads for Asset Servicing: Closing the Client and Investor Experience Gap

The Asset Servicing (AS) industry is an essential but often overlooked component of global financial markets. Yet, while transfer agents and fund administrators are critical to the smooth running of middle- and back-office operations for many Asset Management firms, the sector is at a ‘change or die’ crossroads in its evolution. The current state ...

/regulation /covid-19 Innovation in Financial Services

Daire Ferguson

Daire Ferguson CEO at AvaTrade

Profit and protect: how to benefit from market volatility without jeopardising your assets

Over recent years, unpredictable political and social events have given way to high levels of volatility in the foreign exchange (FX) market. From Brexit to the coronavirus pandemic, the past four years alone have seen strong and frequent market reactions. For instance, 2016 was fraught with political disruption, with both Brexit and Donald Trump’...

/markets Fintech

Debbie Green

Debbie Green VP of Applications at Oracle

Why finance leaders need predictive intelligence now

There will be no return to ‘business as usual’. The COVID-19 pandemic has seen CFOs and business leaders across HR, supply chain, and sales make difficult decisions that balanced short-term choices with long-term impact. Now, finance teams need to consider all options and be confident they are making the best choice, whether that impacts employees...

/cloud /covid-19 Finance 2.0

Steve Morgan

Steve Morgan Banking Industry Market Lead at Pegasystems

Why Capacity and Capability are Banks’ Best Friends Right Now

COVID-19 scattered workforces and business operations virtually overnight. At the same time, the impact of the pandemic has accelerated digital sales and service demand in ways that suggest permanent change. This trend is confirmed by McKinsey which noted that remote advisory channels may be finally coming of age, potentially meaning that up to 35...

/people /covid-19 Innovation in Financial Services

Retired Member

Retired Member 

The Stock Ticker Is the Beating Heart of U.S. Finance. Why Haven’t We Got One?

Since the implementation Mifid1 in 2007, there has been a lot of talk about a pan-European consolidated tape, whether it would benefit the market, how it might operate and why it has not come about without regulatory pressure. Post 2007 when stocks when allowed to trade on multiple exchanges, market participants who wanted to see the full history a...

/regulation /markets Financial Services Regulation

Jeremy Light

Jeremy Light Co-founder at Fourdotzero

Fintech Resilience - a Lesson from Wirecard

770 words, 3 minute read The Wirecard debacle has hit the headlines with a vengeance, begging the question: flawed regulation or flawed Fintech models? On first appearance, it feels like that there is a regulatory problem. However, it looks like this is an old fashioned accounting fraud, that just happens to be with a payments processor. The missin...

/payments /regulation Fintech

Jamie Nascimento

Jamie Nascimento Chief Commercial Officer at LemonTree Software

How Auto-Code empowers citizen developers to do more

Citizen development is a proven, powerful tool to build better applications faster. But, it has its limitations. Could there be a better solution? Let’s find out more. There’s no doubt that no-code and low-code citizen development interfaces help companies respond to digital transformation. It’s why the market for low-code development is predicted...

/devops /startups Fintech innovation and startups

Carlo R.W. De Meijer

Carlo R.W. De Meijer Owner and Economist at MIFSA

Blockchain and Interoperability: key to mass adoption

Blockchain‘s potential for improving business processes, providing transactional transparency and security in the value chain, and reducing operational costs is obvious for many. Notwithstanding this the expected mass adoption failed to happen up till now. What has been holding blockchain? In fact, there have been several concerns in recent years...

/crypto Blockchain Observations

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