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2020 (4) 2019 (4)
Debbie Green

Debbie Green

VP of Applications at Oracle
Posts: 8 Comments: 0
Bio I help finance executives and CFOs modernise, accelerate performance, reduce risk and control costs through digital innovation in the cloud Career History I have risen through the ranks at Oracle for over 20 years, and I now lead the UK's Applications business


Finance 2.0

Why finance leaders need predictive intelligence now

07 Jul 2020

There will be no return to ‘business as usual’. The COVID-19 pandemic has seen CFOs and business leaders across HR, supply chain, and sales make difficult decisions that balanced short-term choices with long-term impact. Now, finance teams need to consider all options and be confident they are making the best choice, whether that impacts employees...

Finance 2.0

Putting humans at the helm of finance innovation

28 Feb 2020

As technologies such as 5G, IoT and AI are rolled out across industries, old business models are being overturned and new ones created, all in the name of progress. Even the most established industries run the risk of being significantly weakened, or even made redundant – so organisations will have to embrace change to survive. Business agility i...

Finance 2.0

How the CFO can sell boardroom success

30 Jan 2020

The value of a business-focused ERP implementation is often underestimated, and more often than not this is due to a lack of understanding of what this investment means for streamlining businesses processes. Typically, this education process falls to the organisation’s CIO – and whilst the CIO does need to take primary responsibility, finance can ...

Finance 2.0

Embedding AI gives CFOs a second pair of eyes

07 Jan 2020

It is widely believed that we only use 10% of our brain, but science has without doubt disproved this fact. However, it is easy to see why we would believe it. We often find ourselves failing to achieve our full potential, whether this comes in the form of lacking productivity at work, the impact of stress or tiredness on our decision-making, or l...