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Sufyan Khan

Sufyan Khan

Head of Pre Sales / Solution Consulting - Europe at Oracle
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Bio With over 17 years of leadership in solution consulting and sales within the financial services sector, I have dedicated my career to driving transformative change across banks and insurance firms. At Oracle, I spearheaded the European financial services turnaround, managing significant risk and finance transformation programs and delivering exceptional growth. My expertise spans developing and implementing digital enhancements and financial regulation strategies, as demonstrated by my successes with significant clients, including domestic SIFIs (DSIFs). An Executive MBA candidate at Warwick Business School, I'm committed to fostering innovation and excellence in finance through data, risk, and finance transformation. Let's connect and explore how we can drive the future of financial services together. Career History Before joining Oracle in 2018, Sufyan served as Global Head of IFRS 9 & 17 at Adenza/Nasdaq. Sufyan also worked at Moody's Analytics and FIS within Enterprise Risk and the Capital Markets space, articulating client trading and risk requirements from pricing to real-time risk management.


Banking Regulations

Preparing data functions for the 2017 stress tests

31 Jul 2018

In November 2016, the Bank of England (BoE) published the results of its 2016 banking stress tests which measured the resilience of UK’s major banks’ balance sheet in adverse scenarios. These incorporated a synchronised UK and global recession with associated shocks to financial market prices, and an independent stress of misconduct costs. The str...

Transaction Banking

Are the UAE banks ready for CRS reporting?

01 Nov 2017

The objective of developing a Common Reporting Standard (CRS) is to combat tax evasion. Common Reporting Standard (CSR) is the tax reporting framework developed by Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) that requires Automatic Exchange of Information (AEOI) between tax authorities in participating countries for inter-jurisdic...

Financial Services Regulation

UK Stress Testing: Putting stress to the test

06 Feb 2017

In October 2015, the BOE of England (BOE) published details of the 2016 Stress Test Scenario, which formed the basis of the stress tests that were conducted in 2016 to assess the resilience of the UK banking system. Last year’s exercise has been revised and represents the BOE’s first “annual cyclical scenario” (ACS). It models substantial deterior...

Financial Risk Management

Laying a solid foundation for the IRB Approach in Turkey

29 Mar 2016

Turkey’s Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency (BDDK) is moving ahead with plans to permit the use of the Internal Ratings-Based (IRB) Approach to credit risk. Having relied on the Standardized Approach for some time, many banks will be eager to reduce their capital requirements by moving to more risk-sensitive IRB models. However, in order t...