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2020 (5)
Jamie Nascimento

Jamie Nascimento

Chief Commercial Officer at LemonTree Software
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Bio A FinTech startup co-founder and CCO for LemonTree. We are the first back and middle-end software development platform for financial services. do more. Career History I'm an FMCG marketeer by trade, having grown some of the largest UK household brands over the last 20 years. Although my education focus was in Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science.


Innovation in Financial Services

Why -you don’t get fired for buying IBM- is no longer true

18 Sep 2020

(602 words; 2 min) “you never got fired buying IBM”. The old adage that safe bets don’t go wrong is dying out. To get ahead in today’s competitive world, you need the right tech, not just the most popular or biggest. Let’s find out more. If you have spent any time in the tech industry, you’ll know the phrase ‘no one ever got fired for buying IBM’....


Digital Sales

It’s time for transparent pricing

22 Jul 2020

(Words 910: 3 minute read.) The financial services software sector needs to move away from opaque pricing models. But what should we replace it with? Pricing is a murky subject at the best of times, but in the financial services software sector, it’s often like a swamp. Lift the lid on software pricing in financial services in general and you fin...

Innovation in Financial Services

Now is the time to bring your business idea to life

09 Jul 2020

Words: 1,077 - 3 minute read. It may not seem like a sensible idea to be launching a business during a global pandemic, but if you get the fundamentals right, you can reap the rewards. There’s a global pandemic affecting the way we live and work. Economists predict a recession like nothing we’ve seen in our lifetime. It may not seem like the bes...

Fintech innovation and startups

How Auto-Code empowers citizen developers to do more

06 Jul 2020

Citizen development is a proven, powerful tool to build better applications faster. But, it has its limitations. Could there be a better solution? Let’s find out more. There’s no doubt that no-code and low-code citizen development interfaces help companies respond to digital transformation. It’s why the market for low-code development is predicted...