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146 Results from 2011, /retail

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Generating loyal customers through mobile banking

Banks are now sitting up and taking notice of mobile banking - with an abundance of analyst reports in its favour, banks can no longer afford to put off the adoption of this channel. According to research from TowerGroup and Accenture published in early February, the introduction of mobile banking services can achieve an ROI of up to 300 percent fo...


Brett King

Brett King CEO & Founder at Moven

SXSWi: Can Banks match start-ups at the Innovation game?

South-by-Southwest's Interactive sessions in Austin, TX are a major creative and customer-focused experience. The amount of networking that is taking place, the amount of active innovation and discussion on taking it to the next level is awesome and mind blowing. There's only one thing... If there was a game on at SXSW to find 20 bankers (not geek...

/retail Innovation in Financial Services

Elizabeth Lumley

Elizabeth Lumley Global FinTech Commentator at Girl, Disrupted

Social Media Days - London - Will we see you there?

I just got off the phone with Mark Jones, the financial communities editor for Reuters, about being our keynote speaker at Social Media Days - London. (He's sending me some bullet points for the keynote, so we'll be sure to get him up on the agenda as soon as that's in) It has been non-stop here at Finextra HQ and we have almost closed the speaking...

/retail /wholesale Social Banks

Brett King

Brett King CEO & Founder at Moven

If you're investing in branches - look out

In my recent book I posited that I wasn't against branches and that rather than advocating the wholesale closure or departure from branch networks, that I was interested in seeing branch focus/form adapt. The reality is though, the more and more I look at what is wrong with the whole retail banking business in respect to imperative for innovation ...

/retail Innovation in Financial Services

Alex Noble

Alex Noble Account Director at McAfee

Is video finally here for bank branch and contact centres?

For as long as I have worked in financial services IT (and some time before), video has been trumpeted as the "next big thing" for retail financial services but has not taken off as predicted. Yet I wonder if this solution that Bank of Moscow has rolled out and the news week before of Bank of America is piloting video for wealth managem...


Andy Hunter

Andy Hunter CEO at Perficiam Ltd

The innovative world of UK payments

UK politicians often accuse the banks of failure to innovate in payments. The UK Payments Council was at least partly created and empowered to change this position but has so far failed to make its presence felt. So what's gone wrong? Firstly, the basic premise is deeply flawed. The UK payments industry is very innovative. Over the last twenty y

/payments /retail Innovation in Financial Services

Tim Tyler

Tim Tyler Product Manager at Misys

Freedom to bank via mobile?

I remember when I first became involved in online banking we had to ensure the site was optimised for very low bandwidth connections. One of my very earliest deployments the bank actually went live with their online banking service connected to the web with nothing more than a 56k modem - so the optimisation had to work both ways. Today, for the

/retail Innovation in Financial Services

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Banks could transfer Isas in two days....

ISA issues certainly continue to be a hot potato right now, this week has seen extensive press coverage about a Which? ISA survey in which they assessed the knowledge of the bank ‘financial advisers’ on the rules surrounding cash ISAs. Ok, it was a small survey sample of 104, but worryingly only three out of the 104 bank advisers questioned were...


Brett King

Brett King CEO & Founder at Moven

Building Digital Relationships equals Service

Everyday we’re making choices in the digital and physical worlds between one brand and another. Sometimes we choose a brand because they provide us with great service, but sometimes it’s simply because they provide adequate service and there isn’t really a better option. Mostly the choice of the interaction isn’t about great service at all; it’s a...

/retail Innovation in Financial Services

Barry Kislingbury

Barry Kislingbury Lead Solutions Consultant at ACI Worldwide

From Tax returns to SEPA - Governments should lead the way

It’s funny where your inspiration comes from. I had to do my annual tax return recently, which amazingly resulted in a small refund. What surprised me though (or maybe it shouldn’t) is that Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC) then went to all the trouble of sending me a cheque in the post. Why does this amaze me? Well, it was the UK Gove

/payments /retail Payments strategies 2015-2020-2030

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