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Social Media Days - London - Will we see you there?

I just got off the phone with Mark Jones, the financial communities editor for Reuters, about being our keynote speaker at Social Media Days - London. (He's sending me some bullet points for the keynote, so we'll be sure to get him up on the agenda as soon as that's in)

It has been non-stop here at Finextra HQ and we have almost closed the speaking slots for London. (we have one or two possible openings left on the retail and B2B panels for a bank, currently). 

I've also been discussing our in-depth case study: Tales from the online front line with First Direct. That session will be a short presentation, followed by a Q&A (with me) followed by questions from the event audience and Twitter. They're excited about showing us how, a small bank without access to large marketing budgets, have used social media to reach out and interact with their current and potential customers. 

In addition to the event schedule of panels and case studies, we'll be doing videos, blogs, news stories and live Tweeting from the event. Remember, if you want to Tweet, or just follow the stream, please use #finxsm. Also if you would like to blog about Social Media Days, you need to be a full community member and join the Social Banks group. 

In the meantime, the lovely Allan Schoenberg (one of our speakers on the day) is hosting his third Financial Services Tweet-up on April 6th in Canary Wharf in honour of Social Media Days - speakers and delegates are welcomed to come along for a relaxed chat and drink overlooking the running ticker that wraps around our host's HQ. 

I can't wait to see you all there!


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Elizabeth Lumley
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Elizabeth Lumley

Global FinTech Commentator

Girl, Disrupted

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Social Banks

Social Banks is a group that aims to discuss trends and debate as the financial services take their first steps into social media. Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn etc..debate all here.

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