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Fix the crumbling infrastructure or DIE!

Welcome back to this first full week of work after the holiday season for most of you. I live in the outer boroughs of Greater London. The leafy idyll that is zone 6 (we have a Nandos and everything). Which means I rely on the train to get to work - Southeastern Rail. This morning my normal 45 minute commute took two hours! (What does this have to do with FinTech, Liz? <==as always, 'bear with me') 

This morning as my train stopped at yet another 'red signal' outside Lewisham (not an unusual occurrence) my thoughts turned to FinTech, and the conventional wisdom of 'building on the existing rails' as I sat on an ageing network of 'rails' whose legacy infrastructure had roots in the Victorian era and is increasingly incapable of meeting the needs of the 21st Century commuter. 

Clients of HSBC were met with a similar, back to work failure, as many personal and business accounts remained inaccessible due to an online blackout at the bank. 

Both entities - the rail networks and the banks - can't shut down their entire infrastructures to rebuild shiny, new reliant rails in which to deliver innovation transportation and financial services. Both have a entrenched, loyal (and an almost monopolistic hold) on their market. 

However, the suburban trains have one advantage over our banking brothers and sisters. I give you 'Scheduled and Emergency Engineering Work'. (stay with me). 

Those of you reliant on suburban rail are familiar with the wonderful sight of 'Rail Replacement Buses' (usually on a weekend) which stand in place of your normal fast track to London express. 

This may seem radical and out there, but let me suggest 'Scheduled and Emergency Engineering Work'...for banks. (I SAID stay with me). Instead of rail replacement buses - we can just go back to cash and cheques. Maybe issue IOUs? Just for a few days, while our trusty, ageing banks do some rail replacement work on their wonky infrastructure. 

If you can think of a better idea, send your answers in on a post card please.

Because I refused to listen to one more ideologue who shouts 'Innovate or die!' while ignoring the crumbling network many of our industries depend on. 

Fix the crumbling infrastracture or die! 


Comments: (4)

Ketharaman Swaminathan
Ketharaman Swaminathan - GTM360 Marketing Solutions - Pune 07 January, 2016, 12:01Be the first to give this comment the thumbs up 0 likes

Oh, to introduce modern stuff like FPS, TARGET2, SEPA, Mobile Banking and so on, banks are already undertaking plenty of 'Scheduled and Emergency Engineering Work' on a regular basis. Just that they shield their customers from the ensuing downtime by (a) investing a lot of money on deploying clustering technologies with ACTIVE:ACTIVE servers and the like OR (b) by undertaking such work at, like, 3 o'clock in the middle of the night.

If we still have HSBC like incidents, it's because of UN'scheduled Emergency' reasons!

On another note, I always thought all that weekend rail downtime was caused by repairs of existing rails rather than on constructing new rails.

Elizabeth Lumley
Elizabeth Lumley - Girl, Disrupted - Crayford 07 January, 2016, 12:14Be the first to give this comment the thumbs up 0 likes

I was being a wee bit cheeky Ketharaman ;-). But a lot of the nonsense going on in Transport for London is being caused by a new London Bridge station and the construction of CrossRail <==So, new rails! I suggest a sub group to allow peeps to complain about commuting problems. 

Nick Collin
Nick Collin - Collin Consulting Ltd - London 07 January, 2016, 12:32Be the first to give this comment the thumbs up 0 likes

Very entertaining post Elizabeth, but with an important message.  Namely that our industry is 90% about infrastructure, crumbling or otherwise - something which I suspect the current enthusiasm for "Fintech" sometimes loses sight of.

Ketharaman Swaminathan
Ketharaman Swaminathan - GTM360 Marketing Solutions - Pune 07 January, 2016, 15:01Be the first to give this comment the thumbs up 0 likes

@ElizabethLumley: Okay, I didn't know about this new London Bridge station! New subgroup for "commute ranters" is a good idea. As long as you meant it on Quora / Facebook. But if you did mean Finextra, then well, with the kind of "robust language" I expect there, you might need to amend some of the Finextra Community Rules (that you probably were instrumental in making yourself in your previous avatar!).

@NickCollin: Totally agree. You should see the opposite of enthusiasm on the face of fintech when they realize they actually need to talk to that infra even to get account balances i.e. even for their first screen to work! I've had the experience!!

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