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2019 (1) 2018 (2)
Marc Gratacos

Marc Gratacos

Founder and Managing Partner at TradeHeader
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Bio Marc has been involved with the OTC derivatives industry since 2003 as consultant, business analyst and trainer, in a variety of projects implementing FpML, FIX/FIXML and ISO 20022. In 2011 he founded TradeHeader to help firms implementing open messaging standards. Career History Marc got a Masters degree in Information Management and Systems from UC Berkeley and a BA in Economics from Universitat Pompeu Fabra.


Capital Markets Technology

SFTR and the need for data integration & management

07 Nov 2019

Background With the European Union’s Securities Financing Transaction Regulation (SFTR) countdown clock ticking, the industry is awaiting the official publication by International Organization for Standardization (ISO) of the ISO 20022 format for the standardised reporting of securities financing transactions. The goal of the SFTR is to enhance t...


A couple of reflections on the 25th ISITC Annual Operations Summit

28 Mar 2019

The ISITC Annual Operations Summit, held in Boston on March 24-27 2019, was focused on data disruption impacting the securities industry. Many interesting topics were discussed but I would like to focus on a couple of ones that caught my attention since they were discussed in many of the sessions. Data abstraction and simplification In many sessio...

Innovation in Financial Services

The Inaugural ISITC Europe Market Innovation Summit 2019

25 Jan 2019

The ISITC Europe's inaugural Market Innovation Summit, held in London on January 24, introduced current topics in the area of innovation with an impact to the financial industry. Collateral Management is key for the European Central Bank After T2S, the next priority for the European Central Bank (ECB) is collateral management. During what was a ver...

Financial Services Regulation

Product categorization

17 Dec 2018

With the pressures around regulatory compliance only continuing to intensify, the critical role played in the reporting of financial transactions by product category codes has come into ever sharper focus. Product categorization involves comparing products that may be structurally very similar in 99% of their features – it is the remaining 1% that ...