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272 Results from /devops

Yaroslav Kuflinski

Yaroslav Kuflinski AI/ML Observer at Iflexion

Facial Recognition for Business: Applications and Adoption Pitfalls

Each time you recognize someone’s face, you’re using an internal form of facial recognition. In a matter of milliseconds, your mind breaks down the parts of their face, puts them back together, and matches the sum with those faces already stored in your memory. When the process works seamlessly, you don’t even realize it’s happening. While you may...

/security /devops Business Knowledge for IT

Joris Lochy

Joris Lochy Product Manager at Intix | Co-founder at Capilever

The boundary between Data and Code is blurring

In the corporate world, the usage of Excel files is still enormous. Many business tools are still running in Excel, often extended with VBA macros and applications. As an Excel fan myself, I can relate to that, as nothing else allows in such a short time to build a powerful and flexible tool, adapted to your specific business needs. However as a so...

/devops Data Management and Governance

Jamie Nascimento

Jamie Nascimento Chief Commercial Officer at LemonTree Software

Why -you don’t get fired for buying IBM- is no longer true

(602 words; 2 min) “you never got fired buying IBM”. The old adage that safe bets don’t go wrong is dying out. To get ahead in today’s competitive world, you need the right tech, not just the most popular or biggest. Let’s find out more. If you have spent any time in the tech industry, you’ll know the phrase ‘no one ever got fired for buying IBM’....

/devops /startups Innovation in Financial Services

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6 Ways to Create a Frictionless Client & Investor Lifecycle Journey for Asset Servicing Firms

As digital transformation continues to impact the financial services sector, Asset Servicing (AS) firms are under significant pressure to modernize their processes. To transform successfully, they need to work closely with their clients to create frictionless alignment during the end-to-end investor lifecycle journey. 1. Straight-Through Process...

/regulation /devops Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

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Decoding Outsourcing Within the Insurance Industry

Outsourcing, or the use of external competencies, is something that management often considers; What parts of my organization can be outsourced, and what to keep in-house? The question that often arises is, “will this system or process give me a cost advantage if it’s outsourced?” If the answer is yes, then they move the operation outside of

/devops /inclusion Innovation in Financial Services

Jonathan Shanks

Jonathan Shanks CEO and co-Founder at Appvia

Don’t let spiralling cloud costs disrupt your fintech project

The fintech industry as we know it wouldn’t exist without the cloud. No financial app, comparison website or any of the other numerous innovations we’ve seen emerge from the last decade would be possible without it. Given its intrinsic value to fintechs, it is perhaps surprising that very few are using the most cost effective solution. Millions in...

/cloud /devops Innovation in Financial Services

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The customer community: harnessing the power of sideways communication

In a world with more customer choice than ever, retention has become one of the key business metrics – especially for SaaS businesses. A commonly quoted statistic is that it can cost five times more to attract a new customer than it does to retain an existing one. More recently research done by Bain & Company shows that increasing customer ret...

/devops Fintech

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A Commercial Underwriter’s Guide to Automation, Part 1

Front to Back Office Automation Insurance underwriting is a critical differentiator between the leaders and the laggards when one looks at it from an operational performance lens. We’ve drafted this blog for Underwriters who are ready to disrupt, evolve, and drive significant tangible impact across their organization. Based on our years of experi

/devops /inclusion Artificial Intelligence and Financial Services

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Getting personal with APIs to unlock lending

Lending money is a risky business. The biggest challenge for any lender is how to balance service (the drive to serve as many customers as possible) with risk (the possibility of a customer defaulting on their loan payments). This calculation is made using a mix of information provided by the customer, insights from previous experience and, increas...

/devops /inclusion API

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Building for transparency and sustainability in finance

Financial products have a reputation for being difficult to understand when it comes to both terminology and functionality for everyday consumers. Customers often have to deal with an abundance of arcane jargon and long, convoluted application processes. One of the key goals of fintech has been to broaden access to financial products by increasing...

/sustainable /devops API

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