Yaroslav Kuflinski

Yaroslav Kuflinski

AI/ML Observer at Iflexion
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Bio Yaroslav Kuflinski has profound experience in IT and keeps up to date on the latest AI/ML research. Yaroslav focuses on AI and ML as tools to solve complex business problems and maximize operations.


Business Knowledge for IT

Managing Remote Workflows: Tools and Approaches

14 Mar 2021

While the pandemic will certainly come to an end at some point, the work trends it gave rise to are here to stay. From SMBs to industry giants like Microsoft, organizations have realized that working remotely from anywhere can be far more productive than working in offices. For example, HBR research reveals that during the lockdown employees spend...


Business Knowledge for IT

A Guide to Securing Enterprise Document Management Solutions

21 Feb 2021

As paper documents continually become scarcer in the enterprise environment, willingness to trust digital document management solutions (DMS) is gradually overcoming security fears. However, while it’s widely accepted that digital document management is probably more secure than maintaining paper records, complacency can lead to regrettable outcom...

Digital Sales

How to maintain online payment security in your B2B portal

20 Dec 2020

The modern business-to-business merchants are actively embracing online retail to step up their game. Relying on B2B portal development, they build solutions that bring together business customers from around the globe, supporting a convenient and personalized purchasing experience. On the downside, the shift to ecommerce aggravated the issue with ...

Artificial Intelligence and Financial Services

How Is IPA Transforming Banking?

11 Dec 2020

Conventionally, banks and other financial institutions start their automation journeys with robotic process automation. While certainly beneficial, RPA has proven to be limited in its automation capacity. Essentially, RPA is only applicable to tasks that don’t require any cognitive input. Intelligent process automation, on the other hand, is capa...