Marketing in Financial Services

Group founded 03 Sep 2018
Posts 51
Members 27
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Looking at the unique challenges and opportunities of marketing in Financial Services and Fintech

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Nir Laznik

Playing by the Rules: Fintechs Use AI for Marketing Compliance

Anyone who follows professional sports could spot one of the most dominant players in the league - stock trading and investing apps. Seeing the biggest sports stages in the world flooded by fintech ad...

23 May 2022
Ian Coupland

Is your global marketing data lost in translation?

All marketers will know the frustration of customer databases that do not align. When planning global campaigns, the answer is redefining key customers and using global tools to understand and target ...

13 Apr 2022
Luigi Wewege

Offshore Real Estate Investment Considerations for 2022

Not all plans for wealth building are confined to your home country’s borders. There are plenty of international options that you can consider. One of them happens to be offshore real estate. If this ...

14 Feb 2022
Luigi Wewege

Understanding Why Now is the Right Time to Invest in Gold

Including precious metals, especially gold, in an investment portfolio is one of the best strategies to ensure your assets are diversified. As with all types of investments, the value of gold can incr...

20 Dec 2021
Retired Member

5 Telltale Signs It’s Time To Hire An IDO Marketing Services Company

Not only just the get-rich-quick enthusiasts surmount the crypto space but also the budding entrepreneurs. Some enter the space to invest, while others raise funds (for their projects). Initial DEX of...

09 Dec 2021
Luigi Wewege

Explore 6 Structures for Offshore Corporate Bank Accounts

International banking has long included options for different businesses and commercial entities to establish accounts around the world. In some cases, the structures of those corporate bank accounts ...

15 Nov 2021
Beth Benedict

Finance Marketing 101: Understanding the Ins and Outs

Consumer finance is an extremely competitive space. Banks, lenders and credit card providers are battling against one another to win over new and existing customers with tailored reward incentives, fl...

03 Sep 2021
Kerry Leech

5 demand generation tips for B2B Fintech, data, and consultancy firms

The way fintech, financial services, and banking clients purchase has fundamentally changed. Buyers are more informed than ever and know when they’re being sold to. And nobody wants to feel sold to. W...

19 Aug 2021
Retired Member

Marketing Automation: Which Tech Stack is Future?

Marketers and leader are always wondering making their campaigns more productive and efficient via multi-channel communication with the support of self-learning and decision-making emerging technologi...

09 Aug 2021
Kerry Leech

Building credibility: The key to winning B2B Fintech clients

Building credibility is complex. It can take a lot of time to build your ideal customers’ trust. Not to mention, it takes even more work to maintain it. But credibility is key for Fintech businesses....

30 Jul 2021
Dmitry Dolgorukov

Omnichannel vs Multichannel Lending: How to Expand Customer Base

We live on tick and that’s OK. People want to buy a car, house or go to university right now. No one wants to wait years until the required amount accumulates. So, people take out loans to enjoy life ...

31 Mar 2021
Yahya Mohamed Mao

The multidimensional characteristics of modern marketing

The emergence of digital technologies and communication channels is pushing ahead a change in paradigm within the fundamental concept of marketing. Marketing consists in creating value to customers ...

12 Mar 2021

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