Innovation in Financial Services

Founded by Elton Cane
Group founded 12 Nov 2007
Posts 1,674
Members 208
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A discussion of trends in innovation management within financial institutions, and the key processes, technology and cultural shifts driving innovation.

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Retired Member

Enterprise Governance in Banks

Everyone’s talking about enterprise (business) governance. Typically conversations focus on the application of structured controls across the enterprise to ensure enterprise-wide collaboration between...

07 Feb 2013
Retired Member

The changing face of payments: new research

The Financial Services Club released their latest survey research last week – The Changing Face of Payments 2013. The survey had responses from 450 financial services professionals in a total of 63 c...

06 Feb 2013
Retired Member

Did we see it coming?

Exponential A year after the iPhone was launched, Nokia's CEO Olli-Pekka Kallasvuo was still bullish: “iPhone is a niche product.” Five years later, Nokia lost its mobile crown to Apple. What didn'...

06 Feb 2013
Nick Ogden

Politics, Payments and DNA

Yesterday, given that it was a Monday, was an interesting day in the UK. We confirmed that we had exhumed Richard III and then George Osbourne had this to say. “Payments systems sit at the heart of t...

05 Feb 2013
Jp Nicols

Banks are Laggards in Research and Development

Banks don't even show up on Booz & Co.'s Global Innovation 1000 spending report. They are lumped in to the "other" category of all industries except the top nine. All of the other indus...

04 Feb 2013
Martin Bailey

Loyalty is an outdated concept

Reports on customer loyalty may differ on the exact number of people who are changing banks, but they all agree that customers are getting more promiscuous. The bad news is that I don't think we've se...

30 Jan 2013
Retired Member

Brilliant and scary ATM advert from the taxman

Today I saw the most effective piece of advertising ever on a cash machine. I rolled up to a Tesco ATM – a nice new NCR device with a video display that normally has a few rolling ads for the superma...

25 Jan 2013
Bo Harald

In praise of NEGATIVE carrots...reissued

TeliaSonera (the leading Nordic telco) announced this week in Finland that they will increase the charge for sending paper invoices to corporate customers from 5 to 10€. Consumers are charged 1,90.

25 Jan 2013
Retired Member

Going Mobile and Your SAP Investment, Advantages - Risks

If I was a Financial Director of a medium to large sized business there should be some alarm bells going off right now concerning moving to mobile devices. Especially if you have invested a huge sum o...

21 Jan 2013
Retired Member

Internal Destruction Department - do you have one?

In a recent interview, Larry Page shared his view on the secret of Google's success - make your product TEN TIMES better than your rival's. Last week we sent limited information on one of our forthco...

18 Jan 2013
Retired Member

Delivering mobile payments to every bank account in the UK

The Payments Council announcement that they will launch their industry-wide mobile payments service is the springboard for mass adoption of mobile payments in the UK. I have to admit a professional i...

17 Jan 2013
Retired Member

If you read this, I will sue you

STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL We share secrets with other people daily, from trivial "I've just heard that..." gossips to stuff like "My best friend's girlfriend is pregnant. By me." (LEGA...

16 Jan 2013

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