Trade Manage selects SunGard FIX Engine

Trade Manage selects SunGard FIX Engine

Trade Manage, a New Jersey-based service bureau and solutions provider for order routing and order management systems, has selected SunGard Business Integration's FIX Engine for real-time execution information and settlement via the FIX protocol.

Trade Manage specialises in order routing and order management financial solutions specifically for the broker/dealer community using its front-end order management system, ESharx.

The firm is using the SunGard FIX Engine to connect its proprietary and third-party order management and routing systems to over eighty counterparties including ECNs, primary and regional listed exchanges and major market makers.

Steve Goldman, chief executive officer, Trade Manage, says the SunGard FIX Engine was chosen for its speed and stability.

"We needed a heavier-weight FIX engine that could accommodate multiple sessions concurrently and efficiently," he says.

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