Value Line live on SunGard IMpower

Value Line live on SunGard IMpower

Value Line Asset Management has begun live accounting on IMpower, SunGard's new real-time, browser-based portfolio management system

IMpower is being used by the asset manager to provide portfolio accounting, modeling and rebalancing, trading, compliance, performance, client reporting and internal and external STP utilising the SunGard Transaction Network.

Dean Tenzic, chief information officer of Value Line Asset Management says: "IMpower eliminated our need for two portfolio management systems by providing a true straight-through processing solution that automates our communication to brokers and custodians."

IMpower, which incorporates functionality from several of SunGard's established buy-side systems into an integrated front- to back-office solution, is currently delivered on an ASP platform. The vendor says it intends to extend the application for client installation in-house in the future.

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