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1068 Results from 2020

Ron Delnevo

Ron Delnevo Chair at UK Cash Supply Alliance

US coin shortage a DISASTER for cash!

Cock up - or a conspiracy? Whichever it is, this shortage of coins is a disaster for cash. Many retailers are looking for excuses to limit cash use and this shortage is a gift to them as they pursue their “cashless” ambitions. Cash is an essential item on the Payment Choice menu. The right to use cash is even more fundamental to US democracy than t...

/payments /inclusion Financial Supply Chain

Thomas Muth

Thomas Muth FinTech and Retail Banking Specialist at SoftServe

Digital preparedness: navigating future pandemics

Acceleration of digitalization COVID-19 has led to a dramatic uptake of digital products and services. This has caused a shift in priorities for many financial institutions to ensure they stay relevant to their customers - placing digitalization at its core. Businesses across multiple sectors have found themselves relying heavily on digital technol...

/retail /covid-19 Fintech

Eugene Rudenko

Eugene Rudenko Marketing manager at Aetsoft

Breaking the Fall, or How Fintechs Can Mitigate the Economic Effects of COVID-19

In the face of the worsened economic situation conditioned by the pandemic, many fintech companies now reconsider their processes. A particular focus is put towards more practical approaches in areas where the outbreak hit the most. The first two actions every reasonable business owner should take are to elaborate the current crisis management plan...

/wealth /covid-19 Financial Risk Management

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Social media payments friend or foe

Social media, like any other innovation, is likely to go through a refinement period, which seems like a never-ending process of updates and improvements. Despite its substantial list of pros and cons, social media sites and apps have been here for more than a decade and its footprint in today’s society is both profound and undeniable. The socia...

/payments /retail Social Banks

Steven Rackham

Steven Rackham CTO for Financial Services at NetApp

Has AI arrived for financial services?

When will artificial intelligence really have ‘arrived’? For a long time, this was a question for philosophers and computer scientists, pondering over whether passing the Turing test truly indicates intelligence, or debating about how broad our definition of artificial intelligence should be. Over the last several years, however, this question has...

/retail /inclusion Artificial Intelligence and Financial Services

Mike Laven

Mike Laven CEO at Currencycloud

Are we at another Herstatt risk moment in the global financial system?

In 1974, the Herstatt Bank in Germany collapsed after making a series of wrong moves on the foreign exchange markets, ending up with DM470 million in losses (worth the equivalent of nearly USD 1 billion today). This forced Herstatt into insolvency before it could settle accounts with counterparty banks, putting client funds at risk. The failure of...

/payments Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Business resiliency- use AI to move from survive to thrive

Organisations need to focus on managing and reducing costs in a crisis, whilst simultaneously ensuring there is available scope to perform over the longer term. It is essential to have a strong focus on productivity and to create the ability to pivot to new opportunities as the economic landscape continuously changes, as we emerge out of the COVID...

/covid-19 Artificial Intelligence and Financial Services

Jonathan Shanks

Jonathan Shanks CEO and co-Founder at Appvia

Why fintech has fallen in love with Kubernetes

Kubernetes is a word some people in fintech will have seen mentioned but few are likely to understand (and even fewer know how to pronounce!). The reality is, however, that far from being a technical side note, it has become a powerhouse of innovation in the financial services sector over the past few years. Kubernetes is Greek for helmsman or pil...

/cloud /devops

Robert Anderson

Robert Anderson Director of Sales at Exegy Inc.

Reaching Ultra Low Latency in Trading Infrastructure

Latency has been a hot topic in financial markets since the rise of high-frequency trading in the early 2000s. Low latency has been replaced with ultra-low latency (ULL) in liquid markets as technology has slashed tick-to-trade latencies below one microsecond. While many vendors outline how their products contribute to a faster trade, connecting a...

Thomas Pintelon

Thomas Pintelon Head of Strategy at Capilever

Credit origination - A lot of innovation on the horizon

While consumer credits are becoming more automated and user-friendly to request, all other credits are often still very manual and labor intensive to originate. In this (relatively long) blog I will try to give a description of the (potentially many) different steps in a credit origination process and how they can be innovated. I will describe the ...

/retail /wholesale Innovation in Financial Services

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