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989 Results from 2010

Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

Twitter Crime on the Rise

Twitter is now beginning to see a substantial rise in active users. A recent report found that the percentage of Twitter users who have tweeted ten or more times, have more than ten followers, and follow more than ten people rose from 21% to 29% in the first half of 2010. Spammers, scammers, and thieves are paying attention. In the physical world,...

/security /regulation

Alexander Mifsud

Alexander Mifsud Co-Founder and CEO at

Can banks compete with PayPal?

Yesterday I listened to a talk from PayPal at one of Europe’s largest online innovation and developer conferences, LeWeb. The company was incredibly bullish about the online ecommerce market and explained that its business was now not only derived from online retailers and merchants but also offline, brick and mortar organisations that are seeking...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Wikileaks Surprises To Get Bigger and the Net Hotter

We thought we had seen it all, torture, murder, renting (I assume unwillling) 8-15 yr old boys to Afghan policemen, but no there's more. Australian Senator secretly 'briefing' US agents on the inner workings of Australian government and now the British Civil service taking their orders directly from Washington. Could it get any worse. I'd say just...


Bo Harald

Bo Harald Chairman/Founding member, board member at Trust Infra for Real Time Economy Prgrm & MyData,

Demise of cash

Nick Jones blogged about cash. We managed to eliminate private cheques in Finland in 1983 by putting a charge (8c) on the cheque forms (picked up or mailed). At the same time there was a big drive for debit cards and this lead to a very positive negative trend for cash already then. Another positive effect was that the debit card could be used for ...

/payments Innovation in Financial Services

Bo Harald

Bo Harald Chairman/Founding member, board member at Trust Infra for Real Time Economy Prgrm & MyData,

Blame it on the banks 2

Translating part of a Facebook note by Liisa Jaakonsaari (MEP - Finnish Social Democrat): "The crisis in Europe is not because of EU or the Euro. Rather it can be said that EU and the euro are innocent victims. Bad guys are unregulated and irresponsible financial markets. Blaming the banks is becoming a rather worn issue and does not always hi...

/retail /wholesale Whatever...

Retired Member

Retired Member 

The EMV tipping point

The latest figures from the Australian Payments Clearing Association hold no surprises for the seasoned EMV advocate. As we’ve seen with other EMV-compliant countries, such as the UK and Canada, the roll out of chip technology has significantly reduced the number of skimming attacks. While it is the reduction in card-present fraud that makes the...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Getting corporate buy-in for social media

Overcoming reticence or resistance to new social media initiatives is one of the key challenges facing marketeers in the financial services/technology space. Improved SEO/Google ranking (and therefore improved site traffic metrics) is frequently used as an ROI measure but that seems to be missing the point. The less tangible benefits - raised prof...

Social Banks

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Plastic more popular than cash?

So, it’s official, for the first time plastic is more popular than cash. It’s been on the cards for a while - the inexhaustible rise in the use of debit and credit cards to pay for goods and services at the expense of cash. There is no doubt faster payments have helped facilitate this alongside the fact that consumers no longer feel awkward about p...

/security Innovation in Financial Services

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Taking the cards out of Cartes and going mobile

A trip to Paris is always a gastronomic experience and the opening of the Cartes trade show today was no different. On the night before the event opened, Google unveiled ‘Gingerbread’ - the latest version of the Android operating system, with NFC technology being one of the headline features. As ever, Google is leading the drive to encourage mass ...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Mastercard or Visa to donate to wikileaks?

A few thoughts have occurred to me. Financial services firms cutting off a publisher for 'alleged' crimes where no evidence of any crime by the publisher has been presented, let alone were they convicted of any offence. Mastercard and Visa need to question the aptitude their management have for the modern world. Do they think this will end well fo...


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