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WikiLeaks: latest Operation Payback victim has become the latest victim of a group of activists calling themselves Anonymous who have taken down the site as retaliation for the card company's decision to cut off payments to whistle-bl...

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Wikileaks Surprises To Get Bigger and the Net Hotter

We thought we had seen it all, torture, murder, renting (I assume unwillling) 8-15 yr old boys to Afghan policemen, but no there's more. Australian Senator secretly 'briefing' US agents on the inner workings of Australian government and now the British Civil service taking their orders directly from Washington.

Could it get any worse. I'd say just be thankful that part of the financial system is intact for Christmas. It may be a little shaky afterwards. On that note a little about the anonymous attacks. They are everyday people who have joined in their tens of thousands to volunteer their computing power to register their disapproval of corporations trying to completely control the major governments.

They clearly have a lot of influence in the US government and it appears that the US has 'assets' in most governments. These assets enable the US to more economically manage the leadership of our governments with little regard to our democratic votes. None of us are really surprised, but if you remember when you were younger, these sort of things would get you fired up. Governments have used that in the past to recruit Australian troops for the Boer War, Gallipoli, Vietnam, Iraq/Afghanistan. Now unfortunately for those dark-dwellers who it appears really run the show - the modern internet is providing the means for the young (and old) to motivate themselves. It is also providing them with a weapon, two edged - publish information and also 'unpublish' undemocratic corporations and perhaps even governments.

Take heed. It has been remarked that Julian Assange apperas a cool customer. Wouldn't you be if you knew enough secrets to be absolutely certain that every man woman and child on the planet will know what wikileaks knows and be enraged. The only holdouts are likely to be those doing the dastardly deeds and they are already enraged and in fear. Look to the loudest.

The obvious solution is to act on the wikileaks reports and punish the evildoers. Of course this will not happen, not in the legal sense. The law is clearly a sham. The young know it and now are armed with the knowledge to prove it.

It will be harder to recruit troops (or police) to do such bidding. There may be purges of the public service and elected officials. Banks may be brought down.

The one error would be to under-estimate it.

Attempt to suppress it and it will only ensure that it comes back bigger and better and then we could really have problems. At the end of it those who were guilty will face reckoning, only the longer it takes the harsher the suffering and of course punishment is likely to be.

While a certain US official may have said 'the US isn't affraid of one man with a keyboard', clearly there is now more than one man. If we are to believe the US there is only one leaker in the US. Don't believe it. The rumours are the files of one banker have been leaked. What if there are more?

As the young have been advised by Obama no less to the tune, 'be very careful what you post on the net - it might come back to bite you'. Reflection is the key word. It will come back to bite. Instead of lazy public servants combing the internet for deviant what of the armies of young peple gathering the information from blogs and websites and adding those people who come out on the side agaionst democracy. I read they had warned that will never forget. Imagine a large team of nazi hunters, only in the 21st century. The shoe may be on the other foot, as Obama was referring to corporations as being the ones who would use that indiscreet photo against you, refusing you work or perhaps blackmailing you when you work for their opposition. The anonymous group have suggested that they will go after everyone on the side of evildoers, having already demonstrated that they can disrupt major corporations at the vanguard of networking with a few low power test shots. They are only one small group, the real heavyweights with the bots in place are still lining up their ducks, is your company one?

Of course there's some security guy somewher saying he can deal with the current threat but that doesn't cut it. The problem is the hive mind. They are smarter than him and you have 'moles' in your ranks and holes in your banks already. And yes anonymous might appear to have been de-tweeted and they know the spooks are building 'decoys', it won't save them. There are a lot of people out there enraged enough to be putting some thought into what they can do. Sure a poll might suggest that most people were either indifferent or even on the side of oligarchies but in reality it only takes a few percent of people to put a very effective spanner in the works. The internet and it's technologies aren't mature enough to give the governments the control they desire, even though they can lean on a corporation or two, it's really going to be whack a million moles (and not just those ones inside our governments).

My personal suggestion to businesses is that you take a long hard look at your position and stand clearly on one side of the democracy and freedom line - your choice.

There's a song. "I remember when I was young.." Do you? Look out it's a different world.

P.s I slowed down in my writing because I could only see bad news coming even without wikileaks and it may get a lot worse before it gets better.

Personally I wouldn't do anything to endanger lives unnecessarily but then I wouldn't do, okay or ignore torture and murder either and the US government had the opportunity to man up in a little test which they failed miserably, so it is on their heads, their cables they refused to redact and mostly their banks. I am very fond of Americas heritage and look up to their founding fathers (something I share with Julian) even collecting their heritage, and I don't think the relationship will sour, because I have met some fine Americans and believe there are enough with the 'right stuff'.

But I guess we'll see Mr Obama won't we?


Just to quantify things.

'wikileaks' = 1.16 billion search hits, Age = 4yrs and the US would have us think 1 man.

'United States' 4.2 billion. Age = 300+ yrs and 300+ million people.  Do the maths.

Ask your PR people if they can get you those sort of results while all the world's governments and many powerful corporations try and kill your message.(yesterday it was only 400 odd million).

Welcome to the new world order.



I had a freudian slip in the spelling of my country of which I am trying to continue to be proud of. Must be faltering if I spell Australian Astralian. Apologies. Chin up son.


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