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1068 Results from 2020

Jamie Nascimento

Jamie Nascimento Chief Commercial Officer at LemonTree Software

Why -you don’t get fired for buying IBM- is no longer true

(602 words; 2 min) “you never got fired buying IBM”. The old adage that safe bets don’t go wrong is dying out. To get ahead in today’s competitive world, you need the right tech, not just the most popular or biggest. Let’s find out more. If you have spent any time in the tech industry, you’ll know the phrase ‘no one ever got fired for buying IBM’....

/devops /startups Innovation in Financial Services

Retired Member

Retired Member 

What are investors looking for in the next Fintech?

Are investors getting pickier when it comes to Fintech? It’s hard to say for sure, but there are recent developments that point towards a shift in investor interests. First, research from Innovate Finance shows that investment in UK fintech dropped by 39% in the first half of 2020, compared to the same period in 2019. In H1 2020, $1.8 billion of ve...

/payments /startups Fintech

Konstantin Rabin

Konstantin Rabin Head of Marketing at Kontomatik

Why it's time to kiss plastic cards goodbye in the UK

The United Kingdom has one of the world’s largest and most influential economies. Over 66 million citizens of Britain share the GDP of around $3 trillion, making them some of the biggest spenders globally. Many internationally successful companies and trends were born here which gives the country particular significance. It was one of the first de...

/payments /inclusion Finance 2.0

Chris Principe

Chris Principe CEO at APB, Inc.


UnBanking the Banked Time to stop the monkey see, monkey do nonsense. The idea of money started with rocks to seashells to gold to paper notes. This has been the greatest magic illusionary trick ever. The system of money is based on our belief that it is real because the banks have conditioned us to believe it is. They have done a good job divertin...

/startups /inclusion Operational Risk Management

Retired Member

Retired Member 

6 Ways to Create a Frictionless Client & Investor Lifecycle Journey for Asset Servicing Firms

As digital transformation continues to impact the financial services sector, Asset Servicing (AS) firms are under significant pressure to modernize their processes. To transform successfully, they need to work closely with their clients to create frictionless alignment during the end-to-end investor lifecycle journey. 1. Straight-Through Process...

/regulation /devops Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

Andrew Beatty

Andrew Beatty Head of Wealth, Retirement & International at FIS

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Natasja Bolton

Natasja Bolton Strategic Partner Support Engagement Manager at Sysnet

A comprehensive look at PCI Remote Assessment

Every business requires cybersecurity in order to secure valuable data, protect customers and ensure that the company complies with industry standards and regulations. Just like a car needing to pass its MOT every year, any company involved in card payment processing or one that stores, processes or transmits payment card data needs to have its se...

/security /covid-19 Fintech

Retired Member

Retired Member 

The advent of a new financial services marketplace

Swift change has been a common factor across industries since COVID-19. The financial services industry is one of many to have experienced disruption. An unprecedented government response in economic policy, changes to our very way of life, and business adaptation across all markets have all combined to make this pandemic hugely disruptive. With t...

/people /markets Trends in Financial Services

Thomas Pintelon

Thomas Pintelon Head of Strategy at Capilever

Credit scoring - Art or science?

Financial services companies offering credits need to assess the risk they are taking when accepting a credit. This mainly consists of determining the probability that the borrower will not repay the credit, and the amount of money that will be lost in that case. Usually this risk is expressed by respectively the Probability of Default (PD) and the...

/retail /inclusion Financial Risk Management

Shah Arafat Hossain

Shah Arafat Hossain Senior Executive Officer at The Premier Bank Ltd.

7 reasons to meet customers face-to-face

I worked with fintech for a few years, we built a brand. Now, there are people in different countries who love that brand. Few years back, this brand name was just a project in a PowerPoint file of the founder. With all the dreams and enthusiasm, we, the team gave life to that project and built a brand. Now, it’s a known and loved brand by migrant...

/startups /inclusion Fintech

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