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1068 Results from 2020

Hirander Misra

Hirander Misra Chairman and CEO at GMEX Group

Will Malaysia become a Digital Financial Services Hub?

Early adoption will be a key differentiator in the race to lead SE Asia in digital asset exchanges - offering services such as the primary listing of securities, listing of alternative assets and secondary-market trading of security tokens and cryptocurrencies. Distributed ledger technology is bound to revolutionise capital markets so that conventi...

/crypto /markets Blockchain in Banking and Financial Services

Kirston Winters

Kirston Winters MD, MarkitSERV at IHS Markit

IBOR transition update: EuroSTR has an August holiday?

After the recent uptick in EuroSTR (a.k.a. €STR) volumes in late July driven by the major CCPs switching from using EONIA to EuroSTR for discounting all Euro OTC interest rate products we looked at August data to see if this was just a blip or whether EuroSTR in fact held its increased share of the market throughout August. In June, prior to the C...

/regulation /wholesale Financial Services Regulation

Scott Raspa

Scott Raspa Head of Marketing at Hydrogen -

Is Embedded Finance the Future?

Embedded finance is financial services on the customer’s terms, from anywhere and at any time. They no longer need to visit their bank to get access to their money. In some cases, embedded finance (and more specifically embedded banking) eliminates the traditional bank entirely. Some companies are stepping in to provide banking and financial servi...

/retail /startups Embedded Finance

Konstantin Rabin

Konstantin Rabin Head of Marketing at Kontomatik

Why Singapore is attracting more fintech investment than any other Asian country

Singapore is currently one of the most advanced countries in the world in terms of economy. And this despite the fact that the country ranks 171st in the world by area and has almost no natural resources. The economic miracle of Singapore happened in the second half of the 20th century, but the foundations laid in those years still serve the count...

/startups /inclusion Fintech

Steve Morgan

Steve Morgan Banking Industry Market Lead at Pegasystems

What Will Banks Accelerate Next In Their Digital Transformation Journeys?

COVID-19 saw banks accelerate their digital transformation plans, condensing them from year-long projects into a matter of weeks. In fact, research from Pega found that the pandemic increased organisations’ urgency for digital transformation, with 91% of all respondents admitting that changes are now needed for their business to survive in a post-...

/retail Trends in Financial Services

Anthony Walton

Anthony Walton CEO at Iliad Solutions

The Testing Challenge: Cost

The pressures of time and cost are constant barriers to effective implementation. These pressures can be offset, for example, by spending more money to reduce testing time. Adding to this inherent testing challenge is the increasing complexity of integrated processing systems. But if we invest in tools which increase productivity, we can deliver m...

/payments Innovation in Financial Services

Peter Davidson

Peter Davidson Business Consultant at Self Employed


Being a human resource manager or a compensation professional, the exercise of doing a compensation planning every year is a tedious task. With companies keeping their merit increase budget same year-on-year, it has become a challenge to reward and engage the right employee, more so, when the economy has been hit the hardest with COVID. Sluggish g...

/covid-19 Financial Transformation

Bo Harald

Bo Harald Chairman/Founding member, board member at Trust Infra for Real Time Economy Prgrm & MyData,

The longest and most valuable digiladder I know of

When I think about my own role (smaller than some say) in driving the Nordic digital mission – good for society at large - starting in banking and now aiming at verifying and connecting all data to life events and automation – there are some observations that may be relevant also from here forward. 1. Everything is based on teamwork – in constantl...

/payments /inclusion Innovation in Financial Services

Peter Davidson

Peter Davidson Business Consultant at Self Employed

Learning About Personal Finances and Investing During the Covid-19 Lockdown

While some countries are gradually easing lockdown measures (with some restrictions remaining in place), other countries, such as the United Kingdom or India, are extending coronavirus lockdown to better protect their population and stop the propagation of the virus. When Covid-19 quickly spread outside of China to the world earlier this year, m...

/wealth /covid-19 Personal Finance

Amita Choudhary

Amita Choudhary Marketing Manager at Princeton Growth Accelerator

Is It the Right Time to Invest in Gold?

With the way things have been moving around the world over the last year, many people have been looking at alternative ideas for their income and exploring new options. Apart from starting a business, investing in existing ventures is another popular idea that’s been enjoying a lot of attention. But of course, it’s something that has to be approac...

/markets Personal Finance

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