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Take care how you type those URLs

I've been working on the EBAday site at and noticed for some reason I keep mistyping the URL when I forward links to colleagues. As it happens, the subject matter on is somewhat different so they usually spot that I've made an error rather than assuming I've departed a little from the script. These days the sheer num...

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Zopa continues preparation for expansion outside UK

Zopa beefs up the management strucuture with a seasoned expert in the unsecured field appointed as Global CEO. With $34 million raised now, and the appointment of this position, this may be signalling that they are getting closer to US opening.

Trends in Financial Services

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Recovering Bank Charges - 1

Finextra, in common with much of the financial press has covered the issue of bank charges in depth and because of the press coverage I conducted my own investigation this weekend and was surprised to discover that my bank, the Alliance & Leicester, has charged me over 1,500 pounds in the last 2 years for overdraft, bounced payments and intere...

/payments /retail Trends in Financial Services

Retired Member

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Are all retail banks evil?

I confess I was a little shocked by the revelation that UK banks had dumped customer data in bins and Chris Skinner's blog was an interesting read. I was disappointed to see the Co-operative bank listed. I expected better. They may have messed up in this regard, but I actually moved to the Co-op bank's solely on the basis of their et...

/security /retail

Retired Member

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Spend fifteen grand, get an iPod

The story on Finextra about Citi's new loyalty scheme caught my eye. For every pound you spend, you are awarded a point and as they add up you can redeem them to get music downloads or even an iPod to play them on. Ok, bit gimmicky maybe but doesn't sound too bad. It's only when you look at the figures you realise you'd need to rack up 15,000 pou...


Retired Member

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Zopa introduce a new investment asset class

Zopa continue to send disruptive signals into the financial services space. They are progressing well on discussions to include Zopa loans within Self-Invested Personal Pension (SIPP). This asset class, would be unsecured personal loans. Social lender Zopa is offering Sipp investors the chance to make between 6% and 14% on their cash in the run u...

/retail Trends in Financial Services

Retired Member

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Information revolution? Marketing farce more like!

Anyone taking a tube in London recently will have spotted some striking posters proclaiming an information revolution. Reading between the lines they seem to be having a go at Google and imply it's a grass roots, underground movement - but give little away. Advertising on the Underground isn't exactly cheap or particularly, err, underground so I ...

Cringeworthy marketing gallery

Retired Member

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The end is nigh as DST approaches

As you probably know, in a departure from previous years, Daylight Saving Time kicks in this weekend in the States following the Energy Policy Act of 2005. While this change isn't quite on the scale of the millenium bug, it does pose problems for IT folk. Fortunately the Windows sysadmins have been spared the monthly Microsoft patch cycle so that'...

/security /regulation

Retired Member

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Welcome to Bankwatch on Finextra

Thanks to the Finextra folks for this opportunity to participate in the Finextra community. I will try to be provocative, and informative with my posts here, and looking forward to seeing where this goes. In general I blog about Banks and their progress, or lack of progress, in addressing the needs of their customers online. As the Finextra com...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

New on the site for March

We've made a few cosmetic tweaks here and there, based on feedback from users. Changes have been made to the listings for blogs and communities to make them easier to read and navigate. We've also sorted some minor problems with the editor page and profile and job roles pages. We've also extended the getting started guide, which is accessed via t...

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