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An article relating to this blog post on Finextra:

Citi adds iTunes music points to Platinum MasterCard

UK customers that use the Citi Platinum MasterCard to make purchases will now be able to collect iTunes music points that can be redeemed at Apple's online music store.

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Spend fifteen grand, get an iPod

The story on Finextra about Citi's new loyalty scheme caught my eye. For every pound you spend, you are awarded a point and as they add up you can redeem them to get music downloads or even an iPod to play them on.

Ok, bit gimmicky maybe but doesn't sound too bad. It's only when you look at the figures you realise you'd need to rack up 15,000 pounds worth of spending to get a £99 iPod Nano. Even with my bad case of internet shopping hand*, I'd look on that as a challenge.

Still it's much better value than the million pounds worth of spending Tesco wanted before they'd give you a £3000 trampoline for your school.

* (Internet shopping hand is a loss of control, often late at night, where sufferers cannot restrain themselves from clicking on the BUY button on various sites).


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