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Information revolution? Marketing farce more like!

Anyone taking a tube in London recently will have spotted some striking posters proclaiming an information revolution. Reading between the lines they seem to be having a go at Google and imply it's a grass roots, underground movement - but give little away.

Advertising on the Underground isn't exactly cheap or particularly, err, underground so I was both suspicious and curious. After failing to find it with Google(!), I eventually stumbled across It looks sort of "designed" and a bit light on actual information. Nothing revolutionary about it at all in fact. It bemoans the fact that Google is the way most people access the web with talk of monopoly and abuse of power and leaps to the defence of other search engines such as Yahoo and Ask.

Vaguely fair points maybe, but where it gets most interesting is the page where readers can leave comments. Take a look and you'll see it doesn't take long for the arguments to be thoroughly demolished and for readers to point out that the domain is owned by Profero - a digital marketing agency whose clients include Yahoo! and Ask. Oh dear.

Ill-advised and possibly damaging marketing rubbish it may be, but on the other hand they are giving away free T shirts. Personally I'm amazed the clients thought this was a good idea.

Still - viva la marketing revolution!


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