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AP-AR Automation Can Unlock SME Engagement for Banks

API-led AP-AR automation solutions today connect a business’ treasury, payments and credit workflows, creating unprecedented access for banks to drive engagement with SME businesses. Accounts payable and accounts receivable (AP-AR) automation is at the core of creating real-time visibility into a business’ working capital. With an estimated marke...

/payments /wholesale Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

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Headless Core - Core Banking Migration

New age core banking solutions like Thought Machine, Mambu and Pismo are on their way to transform banking as we know today Simplistically put, these are a set of cloud native, even driven domain microservices that facilitate quick creation and launch of new products, configuration of workflows, accounting entries and interface with other internal...

/retail /predictions Banking

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Best Technology Initiative in Trade Finance?

In a discussion that I recently witnessed, a participant wished to know the best and the latest technology initiative that any bank has undertaken in Trade Finance and the benefits that they got out of it. The question set me thinking. There is nothing like end-to-end digital trade as yet. There are no fintechs that distribute traditional trade p...

/wholesale Transaction Banking

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The Future of Credit Cards - why are cards a huge untapped opportunity for banks?

Even though technology, consumer behavior, and finance are always evolving, credit card products from banks have largely stayed the same. Of course, some things have changed: signatures are being replaced by biometrics, some retailers don’t even require us to queue to pay, and new models for repayments, such as Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL) are growing...

/payments /retail Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

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Trade Finance on Blockchain - My Observations

Back in 2016, I was fortunate to be part of the team chosen for a week-long workshop/training on Blockchain. We were introduced to the basics, formed teams and built some use cases to understand how it works. Subsequently, I could also participate in building proof-of-concept on payments and trade finance. There was, and continues to be, a lot of ...

/wholesale /predictions Blockchain Observations

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Digital Data - An enabler for Digital SME Lending

The buzz around SME or MSME Lending has been around for quite some time. For the uninitiated, MSME is Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises. To give you a perspective, Government of India defines enterprises with revenue not exceeding Rs.5cr as micro, those between Rs.5cr to Rs75cr as small and Rs 75cr to 250cr as medium sized businesses. Major co...

/wholesale /inclusion Small Business Lending Innovation

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Union Budget 2023: Key Highlights for Startups, SMEs, and Businesses

Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman tabled the Union Budget 2023-2024. Like previous Union Budgets, this fiscal year focuses on Inclusive Development (financial inclusion of small Businesses and support ease of doing business), promoting Public-Private Partnerships, Skilling (teaching-upskill), and setting off medium to long-term national develop

/regulation /startups Regulatory Reporting

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A look back: the top developments in regulatory compliance in 2022

The carousel of financial sector regulations must continuously turn to keep up with an evolving space. As new technologies come along, new threats follow. In 2022, cyber attacks continued unabated, with a report showing that more than half of financial firms were hit by ransomware in 2021. Crypto assets have also changed the financial landscape ad...


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100 mph Tape - rallying, wealth management and short term fixes

In our family 2 inch gaffer tape is known as 100mph tape. The name is a throwback to the days when my dad used to rally. Anyone who has rallied will know things break and fall off, and rallying isn’t a sport with a pit with a team of fully equipped mechanics around every muddy turn or conveniently positioned in every forest, so much of the time yo...

/wealth /predictions Fintech

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Change Management- More Culture Less Process

On a regular basis, companies board on transformation initiatives that help them in improving the performance of operations, helping to meet industry obligations, address regulatory or key performance issues etc. Once these projects are fully implemented and in use, it is the people who need to learn to adjust to the new requirements of their task...

Change Management

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