278 Results from 2008, /retail
Steve Ellis Founder at Finextra Research
I take it back, I take it back. No, not all modern students are illiterate. I blame the worldwide shortage of decent urls and a lack of respect for vowels. Still, from Monday this week students (in just a couple of US States, for now) have had the opportunity to finance their days of loafing and Teletubby watching through a new peer-to-peer lending...
19 March 2008 /retail Finance 2.0
Andrew Fear Advisor / Consultant at Independent
(Core systems replacement – evaluating your options) Ownership is the thing. Whose systems are they after all? Putting the ownership of the core-banking systems back where it belongs, with the bankers, is just part of being attuned. Forward-thinking bankers know that only the right technology, the right core banking systems can drive the busine...
18 March 2008 /retail /wholesale Innovation in Financial Services
Retired Member
We face a real and present threat to our national security. This threat originates from both domestic and foreign sources. As an increasing number of countries move to adopt secure credit card transaction technology, eastern European cartels are turning their attention to the relatively unprotected US card transaction system. However more sinister...
18 March 2008 /payments /retail Trends in Financial Services
The US - Looking at GDP growth, cost of living increases for average families, cargo container imports and trucking activity suggests the US is well into 'recession'. Bear Stearns isn't the end of the credit crunch and it's not just a credit crunch by any means. There are more bigger players to follow. The US may see a depression soon. Australia ...
18 March 2008 /regulation /retail
I can’t fault her for trying. I guess it seemed like a good idea and a bold step towards freedom from the bonds of 20th century banking. “She” is a member of my staff based in the USA; let’s call her Alice, ok so I changed the name to protect to innocent! After reading that the Harris Interactive study released last week and the subsequent fea...
17 March 2008 /payments /retail Innovation in Financial Services
Paul Penrose Head of Research at Finextra
We know it costs more money to recruit a new customer than to cross-sell to an existing customer. We know also that a satisfied customer is a happy customer and good for some free word-of-mouth marketing to new prospects. So why is it that financial services companies continue to cheat and penalise their most loyal customers at any and every availa...
17 March 2008 /retail Trends in Financial Services
Is it an adventure theme park….a children’s nursery….a health spa? No, it's Google’s new European engineering HQ in Zurich. The 'office' space features meeting 'pods' in the style of Swiss chalets and igloos, fireman poles to allow easy access between floors and a slide to ensure that people can get to the cafeteria as quickly as possible Other ar...
14 March 2008 /retail /wholesale Video extravaganza
Jonathan Rosenne Chairman at QSM Programming Ltd.
Diebold is one of the leading vendors of ATMs worldwide, and is now in the news: http://www.diebold.com/ http://finance.yahoo.com/q/h?s=dbd Whatever the outcome of the current boardroom hassle, it is obvious that things had gone wrong and that the future management of Diebold, whoever they be, will have to reassess the company and its ways. From a ...
08 March 2008 /security /retail Trends in Financial Services
Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research
The recent report from Tower Group expressing deep concern about the impact of the Payments Services Directive (PSD) between banks and their corporate customer's, makes very interesting reading. It appears to substantiate the underlying messages found within the white paper "SEPA moving against the tide". With both documents coming from ...
06 March 2008 /payments /retail
Picture the scene. Three UK banking personnel discuss where to locate their new call centre during a brainstorming exercise at a resort in Spain. While two of the bank staff bounce around ideas for various exotic overseas locations, the third chips in with the novel suggestion of locating the call centre in the UK. This is greeted by hoots of deri...
05 March 2008 /retail Video extravaganza
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