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Latest /regulation expert opinions

Steven Rackham

Steven Rackham CTO for Financial Services at NetApp

Tackling DORA is a challenge for the entire business – not just the IT team

The enforceable deadline for DORA is now under a year away and organisations in the FS sector are in a difficult position. Preparing for any change in regulation is hard enough, but with the European Banking Authority yet to publish the final technical specification or a list of critical IT providers, businesses are effectively still in the dark i...

/regulation /cloud Banking Regulations

Julija Jevstignejeva

Julija Jevstignejeva Banking infrastructure for business at Magnetiq Bank

Understanding CESOP: the European strategy for combating VAT fraud in e-commerce

In an era where digital transactions are the backbone of the global economy, ensuring the integrity and transparency of information on cross-border payments and card transactions has become critical for governments worldwide. Recognizing this, the European Union took a significant step on 18 February 2020, when the Council adopted a legislative p

/payments /regulation Banking

John Bertrand

John Bertrand MD at Tec 8 Limited

EU mandatory regulation is on the money

EU mandatory regulations for instant credit transfers within the Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) are right on the money. The key requirement is verification of payee. Today this is absent in the UK, apart from ten mandated banks plus a few more. IBAN (International Bank Account number) is being supplemented to identify the actual owner of the ac...

/payments /regulation Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

Craig Butterworth

Craig Butterworth Chief Commercial Officer at Droit Fintech

Trading Controls: Lessons to be Learned from WhatsApp fines?

As I spend my days meeting with clients, chatting with partners and speaking at conferences, I've noticed a considerable shift in attitudes towards pre-trade controls. There is a tacit acknowledgement that regulators are preparing to crack down in this area. In effect, regulators, led by the UK’s PRA (and soon to be followed by the Fed and ECB), w...

/regulation /markets

Paul Marcantonio

Paul Marcantonio Head of UK/Western Europe at Ecommpay

What are the payment alternatives in 2024?

Card schemes were planning to increase fees, according to reports last autumn. Then the UK Payment Systems Regulator (PSR) announced in December 2023 provisional proposals to introduce a price cap for cross-border interchange fees. What’s the alternative? A perennial hot potato Many merchants and industry players feel that there’s a duopoly betwee...

/payments /regulation

Nick Green

Nick Green Director at Purple Patch Broking Ltd

Reducing risk and spend during times of unpredictable inflation

Andrew Bailey is under pressure. While there’s been progress in getting UK inflation down, it’s too early to declare victory, just yet. If they cut interest rates too soon and too rapidly—they risk a resurgence of price pressures. If they wait too long—they could do unnecessary damage to the economy, consumer affordability, and labour market. At t...

/regulation /retail Banking

Steve Dance

Steve Dance Managing Partner at RiskCentric

Are risk appetite statements causing indigestion?

High, medium or low? What does it mean? Does anyone know? This concept of risk appetite as a means to set a risk management strategy has, I must admit, baffled me since it first started to creep into the vocabulary of risk management. And, frankly, I'm not sure any of the statements really mean anything: if company A says their risk appetite [t...

/security /regulation

Joris Lochy

Joris Lochy Product Manager at Intix | Co-founder at Capilever

Rethinking AML: A Call for Innovation and Efficiency

In the financial services sector, Anti-Money Laundering (AML) continues to be a topic of intense debate. Discussions oscillate between advocating for stricter regulations and questioning the extent of banks' responsibilities in overseeing (policing) financial transactions. AML regulations are pivotal in preventing the use of financial institutions...

/regulation /crime Banking Regulations

Abhinav Paliwal

Abhinav Paliwal CEO at PayNet Systems- A Neo Banking Software Platform

Use Next-Gen FinTech to encrypt your digital payments instead of the OTP

In an era of rapid technological innovation, the landscape of payment authorization is changing. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) recently highlighted the necessity to look at alternatives to One-Time Passwords (OTPs) for protecting digital transactions. The call for development offers an array of options, offering both increased security and a bet...

/payments /regulation Finextra site news

Nick Green

Nick Green Director at Purple Patch Broking Ltd

FCA's latest Consumer Duty warning: A call for smarter credit data management

The FCA recently unveiled new consumer protection guidelines that signal a major shift in credit data management. These rules require financial services firms not only to meet formal compliance standards but also to proactively consider customer interests and welfare. In addition, the FCA simultaneously signaled that crowdfunding and peer-to-peer ...

/regulation /retail Banking

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