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2024 (2)
Pallavi Kapale

Pallavi Kapale

Senior Financial Crime Officer (FIU) at Bank of China (UK) Limited
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Inbound Evolution: Inbound Transaction Processing and Inbound Conversations

5 h

The Payment Services Regulations (PSR) approach will bring about a significant change for all the payment firms. Its aim is to proactively prevent Authorized Push Payment (APP) fraud from occurring. In APP fraud, customers are tricked into authorizing payments to fraudsters, making it difficult for banks to detect since the transaction appears leg...


Money Mules – Gaining fame in financial crime

5 h

Fraud accounts for atleast 40% of financial crime in the UK. In 2022, UK banks have identified over 39,000 accounts demonstrating behavior indicative of money muling[1]. NCA estimated that over GBP 10 billion is laundered via money mule activity in the UK annually[2]. The global increase in fraudulent activities is a growing concern for businesses...