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Dance floor for all data

Data - and lately especially verified data - has for many years been a top priority in national and EU priorities. What the EU Trust Infrastructure's already de-facto EUDI-interoperable wallets mean in terms of benefits for all parties (with small investments) should be properly evaluated in all member state digital strategies - and then lead to clear priorities both in the public and private sectors. 

As there always is a shortage of funding, skilled resources and above all human attention in this world of technology and hype abundance I propose the following simple prioritisation table (1-5 stars):

Project             Productivity Services Security Privacy Single Mkt Eth AI Cyb Crime Grey econ

1. Trust Infra        5                    5          4-5           5             5        3-4          4-5               5

A total of  36-39 stars.. Please agree or disagree - and make same estimate for your own priorities.

2. AI

3. nn

As to costs we already know from the first case that deploying a wallet for issuing credentials (Finnish Social Security) and verifying (Helsinki Public Transport company) takes less than 10 mandays. Integration of wallets to organisation data applications was described as plain vanilla work. Of course some data quality improvement projects can be needed - but distributed data should be the starting point for all parties.

No-brainer to choose TI as the dance floor for all data - all the way from state and bank issued to the local football club - from and to general purpose always interoperable wallets for public sector organisations (right away - to make the market), enterprises, third sector, staff, citizens and many things.

Then we need to see priority lists with many parallell tracks.. 


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Bo Harald

Bo Harald

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Helsinki Region

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