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Latest /regulation expert opinions

Ron Delnevo

Ron Delnevo Chair at UK Cash Supply Alliance

Payment Choice - Not Everybody's Cup of Tea?

I started scribing this article on July the 4th, so it is perhaps natural that my British mind turned to tea. However, my own brain had no room for thoughts about Boston. No. My Gray Matter was focused on a Street Cafe near to the UK Payment Systems Regulators (PSR) palatial offices in Stratford, London. There I was, readying myself for a meeting w...

/payments /regulation Financial Inclusion

Dmitrii Barbasura

Dmitrii Barbasura Chief Operating Officer at Fintech Galaxy

The requirements for non-dedicated PSD2 interface and how ASPSPs can meet them

This is the first piece from an upcoming series of articles about non-dedicated PSD2 interfaces. The scope of these articles is to describe to EU-based ASPSPs that have chosen to provide a non-dedicated interface - what are the requirements, how to meet them, and what are the potential challenges. This first piece will cover the requirements legal...

/regulation /retail Banking Regulations

Christopher Liguori

Christopher Liguori Executive Director at IHS Markit

The Data Debacle Around Investor Due Diligence

Maintaining coherent tax data across the enterprise in a fungible manner allows for vast improvements in the compliance process. All required data must be immediately accessible across the enterprise. Onboarding a new investor requires gathering a deluge of data, including Protected Personal Information (“PPI”). Obtaining this data is usually a man...


Mete Feridun

Mete Feridun Chair at EMU Centre for Financial Regulation and Risk

EU prudential regime for investment firms - what's the state of play?

The new EU prudential regime for investment firms is expected to be published in the EU Official Journal towards October 2019 and to take effect around mid-2021. The regime introduces a tailored prudential framework for investment firms in the EU, setting new rules and requirements with respect to capital, liquidity and regulatory reporting, as we...

/regulation MiFID

Joris Lochy

Joris Lochy Product Manager at Intix | Co-founder at Capilever

Securing your doors is not enough. Go for a multi-layered security strategy.

Cyber-attacks are all over the news! From ransomware to phishing, farmware, malware and cryptojacking up to DoS attacks. It seems as if the internet has been transformed to the Wild West. Combine this with our ever stronger dependency on the internet for our day-to-day life and it’s clear that cyber-security should be on the top of the agenda of ev...

/security /regulation Trends in Financial Services

Mete Feridun

Mete Feridun Chair at EMU Centre for Financial Regulation and Risk

UK regulatory reporting regime is unduly complex - could RegTech be the solution?

The regulatory reporting regime for banks and investment firms in the UK is unduly complex. Regulated firms are required to follow guidance from numerous regulatory sources and have to grapple with concurrent regulations requiring submission of data at an increasingly more granular level. This not only increases the risk of misreporting and superv...

/regulation Banking Regulations

Anne Plested

Anne Plested Regulation at ION Markets

Time runs out on Swiss equivalence

Over the weekend, the stock market equivalence granted to Switzerland by the European Commission expired. The limited-period equivalence, which was given in December 2017 and extended to 30 June 2019, has run out. Despite Swiss beliefs that all the conditions are still met for recognition by the EU, there was no letup in the EU’s resolve to see thi...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Why is change so hard?

There are lots of reasons and almost all of them are driven by human behaviours. The tech part, whilst it will have it’s own challenges is not that difficult, but unless there is wholesale agreement to change intransigent mind-sets and long ingrained working practices, most transformation programmes are destined to fail. In my opinion there are tw...


Richard Warren

Richard Warren Partner at FirstPartner

Why the payments industry needs to act quickly on the EBA’s latest PSD2 SCA Opinion

On Friday 21st June the EBA published a new Opinion Paper on the elements of strong customer authentication (SCA) under PSD2 which has been subsequently been backed up a by confirmatory statement from the European Commission. This opinion has significant practical implications for issuers, acquirers, card schemes and local regulators currently wo...

/payments /regulation Financial Services Regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

PSD2: What Is It and What Does It Mean for Fraud?

Payment Services Directive 2 – better known as PSD2 – has been a hot topic since it came into effect in January 2018, with the EU and many banks vigorously pursuing its development. Businesses have until September 2019 to ensure they are compliant. To that end, it’s time that we take a deep dive into PSD2. What is it, what has changed, and where ...

/regulation Banking Regulations

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