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4684 Results from /payments

Nikunj Gundaniya

Nikunj Gundaniya Product manager at

Overcoming the challenges in implementing eKYC solution in your business

The digital transformation of businesses has sped up the adoption of various technologies, and one of the most significant shifts has been the move towards eKYC solutions. This is very important for eKYC because it assists in preventing fraud, ensures regulatory compliance, and improves customer experiences. However, implementing eKYC solutio

/payments /inclusion

Ruchi Rathor

Ruchi Rathor Founder at Payomatix Technologies

Trends in Financial Services and the Role of AI

Trends in Financial Services and the Role of AI The financial services industry is undergoing a profound transformation, driven by rapid technological advancements, changing consumer expectations, and evolving regulatory landscapes. Among the various technologies reshaping this sector, Artificial Intelligence (AI) stands out as a key driver of inn...

/ai /payments Trends in Financial Services

Sergiy Fitsak

Sergiy Fitsak Managing Director, Fintech Expert at Softjourn

Top 10 Challenges in Cloud Migration: Strategies for Success in 2024

For many companies today, the question is no longer "Should we migrate to the cloud?" but "What should we migrate, and how quickly should we do it?" By understanding the challenges involved in large-scale cloud migrations, businesses can create more effective implementation strategies and avoid common pitfalls such as security...

/payments /retail Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

Abhinav Paliwal

Abhinav Paliwal CEO at PayNet Systems- A Neo Banking Software Platform

What does the term Omnichannel specifically mean in the context of financial services?

Omnichannel in financial services means delivering a unified and seamless customer experience across all channels, such as mobile apps, websites, customer service hotlines, and in-branch visits. According to the 2021 World Retail Banking Report by Capgemini, nearly 80% of consumers expect an omnichannel banking experience, highlighting the growing ...

/payments /inclusion Financial Services Regulation

Alexander Boehm

Alexander Boehm Chief Executive Officer at PayRate42

Navigating the Compliance Maze: Online Casinos, Payment Processors, and the Challenges of High-Risk

The online gambling industry, particularly the high-risk segment of online casinos, has long been a contentious area fraught with legal, regulatory, and ethical challenges. The boundaries between legality and illegality in this sector are often blurred, making it a difficult landscape for both operators and the payment processors that serve them. ...


Paula Hunter

Paula Hunter Executive Director at Mojaloop Foundation

Understanding the Difference Between IPS and Inclusive Instant Payment Systems (IIPS)

In the world of financial technology, the terms instant payment systems (IPS) and inclusive instant payment systems (IIPS) are both used to refer to digital financial transfers that allow the recipient to use the money within seconds. Though they share similarities in offering rapid financial transactions, their core objectives and impacts differ ...

/payments /inclusion Financial Inclusion

Kyrylo Reitor

Kyrylo Reitor Chief Marketing Officer at International Fintech Business

MasterCard: Your Partner in Growth

Mastercard is more than a payment processor; it's a strategic ally for businesses aiming to expand their reach, enhance customer satisfaction, and optimize operations. Key Benefits of Mastercard Integration: Global Market Access: Tap into a vast customer base across the world, increasing your revenue potential. Unparalleled Security: Safeguard yo...

/payments /wholesale Banking

Jamel Derdour

Jamel Derdour CMO at Transact365 / Nucleus365

Transforming Transactions: The Rise of Digital Payments in Thailand

Thailand is undergoing a transformative digital revolution. This shift is reshaping the financial landscape of the country, enhancing convenience for consumers, boosting business efficiency, and driving economic growth. As Thailand continues to embrace the digital era, the proliferation of digital payments marks a significant step towards a cashle...

/payments /markets Asia Financial Services

Priya Kumari

Priya Kumari 

The Quantum Leap in Cryptography: Preparing for a Post-Quantum World

Introduction In the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity, a new challenge looms on the horizon: quantum computing. While this technology promises revolutionary advancements in various fields, it also poses a significant threat to our current encryption methods. Enter quantum-safe cryptography, the next frontier in securing our digital world

/payments /regulation Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

Francesco Fulcoli

Francesco Fulcoli Chief Compliance and Risk Officer at Flagstone

A Revolutionary Reimbursement Policy to Combat Authorised Push Payment (APP) Scams

The Payment Systems Regulator (PSR) is implementing a groundbreaking reimbursement policy to tackle the growing menace of authorised push payment (APP) scams. This new requirement mandates payment service providers (PSPs) to reimburse victims of APP scams, marking a significant shift in consumer protection and industry responsibility. By embedding...

/payments /crime Fintech

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