Abhinav Paliwal

Abhinav Paliwal

CEO at PayNet Systems- A Neo Banking Software Platform
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Bio PayNet is a Neo Banking Software Platform, for new-age financial institutions, helping them thrive in the industry through our agile cloud-native and API-first technology. You can reach us here - www.Paynet.Pro



Why Developed Economies are Benefiting from QR Payments?

24 Jun 2024

It was long believed that developed economies firmly rooted in the credit and debit card tap-and-pay ecosystem would be difficult to change. Due to their perceived insecurity and clumsiness, QR code payments were limited to developing nations. But a subtle revolution is taking place that is upending this presumption. Singapore is one example. Once...

Finextra site news

Use Next-Gen FinTech to encrypt your digital payments instead of the OTP

13 Feb 2024

In an era of rapid technological innovation, the landscape of payment authorization is changing. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) recently highlighted the necessity to look at alternatives to One-Time Passwords (OTPs) for protecting digital transactions. The call for development offers an array of options, offering both increased security and a bet...


Finextra site news

Transforming Cross-Border Payments with Open Banking APIs

07 Feb 2024

The era of tiresome, hidden cross-border payments is ending, giving way to a smooth, digitized future powered by open banking APIs. This blog explores how these new connections alter the financial environment, giving your bank unprecedented growth and consumer happiness. Imagine a future where : Sending money across borders feels as easy as send...

Finextra site news

For Merchants, How Does Buy Now, Pay Later Work?

27 Dec 2023

PayNet emerges as a pioneer in the rapidly expanding financial technology industry with its cutting-edge Neo Banking Software Platform. The Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL) platform stands out as a game changer among its variety of new solutions, revolutionizing the way financial institutions work. In this blog article, we'll go over the essential featur...