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2022 (2)
Tony Crivelli

Tony Crivelli

CEO at Fluenccy
Message Message me Posts: 2 Comments: 5


Financial Risk Management

The 3 simple steps to better FX rates for your business, forever.

05 Apr 2022

In the world of foreign currency and cross border payments, SMEs are the worst off every time and frankly, I’m tired of it. In my 25+ years working closely with SMEs, their needs and knowledge gaps on the subject have stayed the same and unfortunately, so have the significant losses that come from poor or no foreign exchange strategy. Last ...

Embedded Finance

From Embedded Finance to Embedded Everything

20 Feb 2022

Embedded finance has become so seamless that for both consumers and businesses today, it’s easily seen as a standard function that has always been around. It’s because of its ease of use that cross-border business has become more common - or arguably essential in today’s competitive markets - and that international transactions are no longer a bar