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Nikunj Gundaniya

Nikunj Gundaniya

Product manager at
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Bio Nikunj Gundaniya, Product manager, one of the leading digital wallet app development company USA, which provides mobile finance application development services. He is a visionary leader whose flamboyant management style has given profitable results for the company. He believes in the mantra of giving 100% to his work.



How to Choose a FinTech Software Development Company

20 Jul 2021

Financial technology also known as FinTech has become an essential part of the contemporary world. With a huge number of users making online transactions and complexities involved in almost every business, financial solutions have become a necessity. These robust digital fintech solutions have proven their worth by delivering the desired output to ...


Mobile Financial Services (MFS)

The Difference Between POS and mPOS & Mobile Payments

01 Jun 2021

If you have been accepting card payments in your business, a POS terminal is not something new for you. A POS comprises one touch screen monitor, CPU, and auto-locked cash counter, card-swiping device, and telephone line. While this traditional POS system works well in accepting card payments but it also have some disadvantages too. Today, you nee...


Financial Transformation

What Is a Lockbox Payment?

07 Jan 2021

Constant cash flow is the most significant aspect of every business. But depositing cheques is always a complicated task for small businesses. It can be painful for the businesses to go to the bank to deposit their cheques. What if you need to deposit your cheques after the banking hours? Here the lockbox payment comes into the picture. Now you ar...

Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

5 Steps for Secure Digital Banking Channels in the COVID-19

21 Dec 2020

When the coronavirus pandemic hit the world, banks and finance companies rushed to make their transactions digital. All the countries started imposing lockdowns to protect their citizens. Due to this, businesses shifted to work from home mode. They have shifted their daily transactions to mobile apps and online portals. Banks and financial institu...