362 Results from 2021, /payments
Steve Morgan Banking Industry Market Lead at Pegasystems
The contactless card payment limit will rise from £45 to £100 later this year as people are favouring contactless transactions to help curb the spread of the virus, as well as the convenience and speed. The pandemic has undoubtedly accelerated the shift to a cashless economy. March 2021 figures from LINK, the UK’s main ATM cash machine network, fou...
21 May 2021 /payments /covid-19 The future of Payments in Europe
Eric Christensen Chief Payment Officer at Digital River
The global pandemic has dramatically accelerated the long-term consumer shift towards ecommerce channels. While the initial explosion in online shopping came out of necessity, with social distancing and shielding requirements restricting people’s ability to shop in store, it is safe to say the trend of online buying isn’t going anywhere. Not only ...
19 May 2021 /payments The Payments Business
François Lacas Deputy COO at Yooz UK
When companies transform their purchase-to-payment process, they’re preparing their accounting and finance teams for the next unknown disaster, says Laurent Charpentier, COO at Yooz. It’s becoming abundantly clear that the old way of working as we once knew it, the 9 to 5, five days a week in an office, is a thing of the past. Because if organisat...
18 May 2021 /payments /people Digital Banking Trends
Retired Member
With Making Tax Digital (MTD) now in full swing, HMRC is one of the most digitally advanced tax administrators in the world. But for many small business owners, MTD is new territory and HMRC is a black hole of information. Due to COVID-19, HMRC made the swift decision to delay phase two of MTD, meaning businesses who were preparing to put digital...
17 May 2021 /payments /inclusion Personal Finance
Sean Salloux CEO at Sentinel Digital
Multi-currency debit cards are becoming an increasingly popular choice for customers to easily manage and spend digital assets online and in person. Multi-currency debit cards are designed to make it easier for people to use several currencies and digital assets to make payments in-person and online. They also make it easier for businesses and indi...
17 May 2021 /payments /crypto Fintech
Adrian Mountstephens Business Development, Payments & Banking at Equinix
Embedded finance opens new opportunities, but secure data exchange is essential Digital banking is not new – major banks began to offer internet banking services in the mid-1990s. However, the traditional banking industry is facing significant pressure from rapidly shifting consumer expectations, changing regulations and increasing competition fro...
14 May 2021 /payments /cloud Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation
Shikko Nijland CEO at INNOPAY
Around a decade ago, the global Decentralised Finance (DeFi) movement started to develop financial applications that no longer required traditional central financial intermediaries such as banks and exchanges. The DeFi movement is based on the disrupting perspective that existing financial products and services can be recreated, utilising a decentr...
14 May 2021 /payments /inclusion Trends in Financial Services
Jussi Karjalainen CEO at Valtatech
Accounts payable (AP) automation is hot right now – a simple search for “AP automation” returns over 80 million results. In fact, a recent report identified that for many, especially in the enterprise space, automating and optimising procure to pay processes has become their highest, near term priority. Surprised? You should not be. The pandemic t...
13 May 2021 /payments /cloud Payments strategies 2015-2020-2030
As anyone involved in product development will tell you, the push towards instant, more transparent cross-border payments is growing stronger with every day that passes. SWIFT’s ‘Global Payment Initiative' (gpi) is one of the more recent innovations that has real potential in helping businesses realise this goal. By connecting every party in the p...
13 May 2021 /payments Payments strategies 2015-2020-2030
Greg Sassone SVP Business & Partner Growth, Corp Payments at WEX
Commerce is global and customers not only have large domestic footprints but also increasingly global operations and pay supply chains. As business footprints increase, industries are becoming crowded, more competitive, and brands are fighting for space in their own sector. In the fight for space, the integration of financial services into non-fin...
12 May 2021 /payments Payments strategies 2015-2020-2030
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