97 Results from 2020, /markets
Retired Member
Banking has really changed in the last decade by the entry of New Age Banks (NAB), NeoBanks and Fintechs. They are rolling out new digital features/services at an alarming rate now. Although,the traditional incumbent banks worldwide are trying to cope up with them, but due to the existing impediments, it slows down their pace to match up with them...
16 November 2020 /people /markets Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation
Beni Hakak CEO at LiquidApps
For the better part of the 20th century, the financial world remained largely exclusive to only the upper classes and the wealthiest of people. Yet advancements in technology and social attitudes have created a new paradigm of financial inclusion. With the mass digitization of our world in the first few years of the 21st century, the once-excluded...
11 November 2020 /inclusion /markets Decentralized Finance (DeFi)
Farah Miller CEO at Helixtap Technologies
Investing in ESG Investment decisions based on ESG criteria are growing and for an increasing number of asset managers, ESG inclusion in their decision-making is ever more apparent, as they see this focus as return-enhancing and risk-mitigating. Sustainability-focused funds continue to attract more capital. For example, CNBC (2020) referenced a st...
11 November 2020 /sustainable /markets Sustainable compliance
“If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.” U.S. President Harry Truman famously said it to his war contracts team. CEO’s prepping for an IPO deploy it with their marketers. Headlines flash warnings encouraging brands to race “to IPO while Stocks are Hot” and 2020 is a “Steaming Hot Market.” After a massive sell-off to start the year,...
09 November 2020 /identity /markets Marketing in Financial Services
Brad Hyett CEO at phos
At the time of writing, we are in the home stretch of the UK’s transition period with the European Union, with new rules for UK businesses that deal with Europe set to come into force on 1 January 2021. Given that the much-hyped “Brexodus” of companies from the UK has not materialised during the grace period, what are the real short term and long t...
04 November 2020 /payments /markets
Information is the Key to Future Success Rubber market in a state of flux The uncertainty of 2020 has caused a great deal of turbulence in the commodities markets and natural rubber has certainly also felt this impact. At the start of 2020, the Association of Natural Rubber Producing Countries (ANRPC), was forecasting an increase in production and...
02 November 2020 /startups /markets Innovation in Financial Services
In the news recently, there has been a lot of change in how secure the public is feeling about their personal and workplace retirement funds, long term savings and other investments. A recent study by Aviva stated that 21 percent of non-retired people in the 45-60 age group were not doing anything to strengthen their retirement income. This repr
30 October 2020 /markets
Daire Ferguson CEO at AvaTrade
The COVID-19 pandemic has affected all aspects of our lives. Setting aside the health implications, twelve months ago we could have had no idea that the way we work and socialise would change so dramatically. In the world of trading, we’ve seen further market volatility – on top of the political shifts like Brexit and talks of trade wars and prote...
22 October 2020 /markets /covid-19 Fintech
Freddie McMahon Director Strategy and Innovation at DF2020 Ltd
Environment, Social and Governance metrics are here to stay. The ESG investment market has surpassed USD 30 trillion. Governance needs better ways to measure corporate behaviour. ESG metrics measure corporate behaviour and sustainability. ESG metrics is a shift from intangibles to tangibles. Achieve holistic governance using ESG and fina...
16 October 2020 /regulation /markets Trends in Financial Services
Ivy Schmerken Editorial Director at FlexTrade Systems
No one could have predicted that Wall Street’s top compliance project would go into production during a pandemic. The securities industry is submitting data to the Consolidated Audit Trail, a long-delayed database for tracking the lifecycle of orders and transactions for U.S. listed and over-the counter equites and options in one place. Even thou...
13 October 2020 /regulation /markets Big Data
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