272 Results from /devops
Retired Member
Sometimes an idea is so good that everyone has it at once. One such idea is the ROSCA - a rotating savings and credit association - known as ekub in Ethiopia, cundinas in Mexico, tanomoshiko in Japan and dhukuti or dhikuti in Nepal. At a recent developer meetup I was able to hear from from Matthew Addison, CEO of StepLadder who has built a whole bu...
01 June 2020 /people /devops API
In 2001, Silicon Valley superinvestor Marc Andreessen declared that software was eating the world. Recent years have borne this out, with digital B2C tools now shaping the ways we travel, eat, and even find love. Key to the appeal of these apps is ease of use, taking an existing experience and making it mobile, up to date and personalised. This s...
22 May 2020 /devops API
Joris Lochy Product Manager at Intix | Co-founder at Capilever
Hypes and marketing buzz words are strongly present in the IT landscape. Often these are existing concepts, which have evolved technologically and are then renamed to a new term, as if it were a brand new technology or concept. If you want to understand and assess these new trends, it is important to reduce the concepts to their essence and compare...
18 May 2020 /devops Banking Architecture
Data modelling and machine learning (ML) offers a tantalising possibility - that by gathering enough data inputs you can predict what will happen in the future based on current information. ML models are commonly used in the context of business decisions, such as assessing investment outcomes or growth performance, where they can add significant v...
11 May 2020 /devops API
The tug of war between legacy systems and more modern platforms continues, as the digitization of many medical practices and hospitals across the globe upends the status quo. While the transition to newer systems has been inevitable, many are facing an unprecedented upgrade within a short time span in order to support telehealth initiatives. As th...
06 May 2020 /payments /devops Payments strategies 2015-2020-2030
Paul Shumsky Technology Advisor at Entrepreneur
Strong customer authentication necessarily forms the backbone of any fintech application and it is common to make use of multi-factor authentication (MFA) to provide additional levels of security to protect any transaction from being compromised. Multi-factor authentication (MFA) encompasses three types of authentication: knowledge (something you k...
14 April 2020 /devops /identity Biometrics
As more and more firms turn to the cloud to push out services across the globe, there is an increasing focus on the tools, technologies, and practices that facilitate the process. Systems must increasingly bear the weight of new customers and data integration while also maintaining a consistent level of service. To do this effectively, it is vital...
14 April 2020 /devops Fintech
According to a Google search: “5G will support billions of connections” and “5G will have a tremendous effect on economy” and “5G solves problems we haven’t yet encountered”. In isolation, it almost sounds like 5G is a wizard that will solve all the problems of this world and perhaps even issues beyond our Earth. I’m not that optimistic, but after...
06 April 2020 /devops /markets 5G Payments Schemes and Strategies 2020 - 2035
Steve Wilcockson Product Marketing at Quantexa
The March Tiobe Index is out. I follow Java (1, up short term), Python (3, continual rise), R (11, steady mid-term) MATLAB (15, down mid-term), SAS (21, steady-ish) and Julia (49, wildly down?) as my interests tend towards deployment of quant and data science models into production architectures. Some thoughts on these platforms are below. What do ...
13 March 2020 /ai /devops Capital Markets Technology
Technology has always been the main force behind changes in the banking sector, and now the Internet of Things is going to change the nature of banking itself. If we step back from such isolated technologies like blockchain or the smartphone and try to see the global picture, we easily notice that something is changing, and that’s the way of glob
19 February 2020 /devops Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation
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