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399 Results from /cloud

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Cloud Paralysis

Cloud Paralysis: an organisations inability to migrate and optimise workloads or applications to a modern platform due to the constant change of the underlying technology or latest new capability that will change the world. A new term I’ve coined to try and explain to myself (and others) why organisations aren’t moving as fast as expected. Why, wit...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

2020 banking technology focus

As we enter 2020, I wanted to share what I think will be the technology focal points for Banks throughout this year. Operational Resiliency Following both the Treasury Select Committee, and the UK Regulators papers around Operational Resiliency, how firms ensure they are able to overcome operational disruptions will continue to be high on the agend...

/regulation /cloud Trends in Financial Services

Bernd Richter

Bernd Richter SVP - FIS Impact Ventures at FIS

Payments as a service - a new normal future of payments?

Banks are increasingly outsourcing their core payments platform technology and operations. What seemed in past years far fetched even to consider has become a viable option. Is Payments as a Service (PaaS) on the brink of becoming the new normal for banks as technology-focused payments service providers are winning more and larger in scope mandate...

/payments /cloud Payments strategies 2015-2020-2030

Debbie Green

Debbie Green VP of Applications at Oracle

Embedding AI gives CFOs a second pair of eyes

It is widely believed that we only use 10% of our brain, but science has without doubt disproved this fact. However, it is easy to see why we would believe it. We often find ourselves failing to achieve our full potential, whether this comes in the form of lacking productivity at work, the impact of stress or tiredness on our decision-making, or l...

/ai /cloud Finance 2.0

Keith Stonell

Keith Stonell Managing Director, EMEA at Guidewire

Insurers should look alive in 2020

May you live in interesting times, so goes the Chinese curse. 2019 has certainly been an interesting year for insurers. Going into 2020, the industry is grappling with the fallout from disastrous weather events, and with chastisement from regulators in the UK on how insurers must do a better job in delivering value to customers. Nonetheless, the ...

/cloud Fintech

Debbie Green

Debbie Green VP of Applications at Oracle

2020 predictions: the new era of spending for the CFO

In the last 12 months, CFOs, particularly in the UK, have been forced to count the pennies when it comes to budgeting in an era of political and economic uncertainty. As we move into 2020 we expect, or at least hope, that we will have more clarity. With this comes spending – CFOs will look to spend funds they have been holding back over the previou...

/cloud Finance 2.0

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Cloud 2.0: What to expect in financial services?

Research from TABB Group earlier this year found that use of public cloud within financial services was poised to accelerate in 2019. These findings are reflected in our own recent survey[1] which found that 80% of European and North American asset managers will be using the cloud for data management by the end of 2020. It seems the cloud has well...

/ai /cloud Artificial Intelligence and Financial Services

Debbie Green

Debbie Green VP of Applications at Oracle

Universities: unlocking innovation through the finance function

Universities are where innovation begins. They produce research that moves us forward scientifically, technologically and socially. Some of our best and brightest reside within their walls. However, while researchers and students on the ground have some of the best facilities and personnel to support them, the same often can’t be said of universit...

/cloud Finance 2.0

Joris Lochy

Joris Lochy Product Manager at Intix | Co-founder at Capilever

Microservices - Yet another buzzword or a real innovation for the Financial Services Industry

1. Introduction Microservices are the new hot trend in the application architecture landscape. Like SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) and cloud a few years ago, "microservices" is the buzzword used by marketeers to position their solution as cutting-edge technology. The concept of microservices is however not new. Leading technology co...

/cloud /devops Banking Architecture

Paul Shumsky

Paul Shumsky Technology Advisor at Entrepreneur

Building A Bank With Microservices

Let's begin with the most common statements on using cloud solutions for online banking platforms I frequently get from clients: Statement #1: No banks use cloud solutions! Answer: Read a bit more of example Bankinter, Stripe and Capital one (Capital One, Stripe, Bankinter) Statement#2: Cloud providers are not compliant in our area! Answer: They ...

/cloud Banking Architecture

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