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554 Results from /ai

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Retired Member 

Customer Intelligence and AI, A Banks’ Lifeguard in the Millennial Age

Introduction The enterprises in the 21st century have been drawn into the data endearing ecosystem that is currently present today. With the formula of more data, more success gaining popularity amongst several decision makers, it is highly evident that enterprises are focussed on quality customer intelligence, which they can integrate into their s...

/ai Fintech

Parth Desai

Parth Desai Founder and CEO at Pelican

The Limits of API Aggregation, how interoperability can solve the fragmentation challenge

Open Banking is a powerful opportunity for both established banks and new fintech market entrants to develop and deliver impactful and empowering payments and financial services to consumers and businesses alike. It has been estimated that PSD2 has the potential to create a revenue opportunity of at least £7.2bn by 2022 across retail and small-bus...

/ai Open Banking

Nicola Cowburn

Nicola Cowburn Chief Marketing Officer at CUBE

The Only Way to Untangle Regulatory Complexity

The tangled web of regulation is hitting the headlines, yet again. Changes proposed by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to the 2003 Safeguards Rule have been met by warnings from the American Financial Services Association (AFSA) that they may contain ‘traps’ for unwary financial institutions attempting to meet both state and federal laws. How...

/ai /regulation Financial Services Regulation

Henry Iversen

Henry Iversen Chief Commercial Officer and Co-Founder at

6 ways conversational AI supercharges the bank customer experience

The banking and financial services industry is ripe for technological disruption. Banks are naturally experimenting with AI (artificial intelligence) to automate traditional day-to-day transactions; while insurance companies and financial advisors are chasing alpha by layering AI on top of data to ascertain risk. These institutions in general are ...

/ai Disruption in Retail Banking

Chris Principe

Chris Principe CEO at APB, Inc.

Ben You Did It Again

$100 Ben, You Did It Again! One of my favorite American historical personalities is Ben Franklin, born 1706 and died 1790. Yes, Ben is known as a leader for liberty, a politician, an inventor, scientist, businessman, philanthropist and, generally, a genius in his day. He is also the only American founding father to sign all three documents related ...

/ai Millennial Banking

Ivy Schmerken

Ivy Schmerken Editorial Director at FlexTrade Systems

Bond Algos Tap into ETF Liquidity and Efficiency Gains

Algorithmic trading has picked up steam in the corporate bond market as fixed income trading desks appear to follow the playbook of equities. But skeptics contend this is unlikely, arguing that bonds are quite different and will undergo their own electronic transformation. One of the world’s largest fund managers has developed a pre-programmed sy...

/ai Capital Markets Technology

Monica Hovsepian

Monica Hovsepian Global Industry Strategist, Financial Services at Opentext

Pulling an Uber: Customer experience in Financial Services

BAI white paper puts omni-channel experience top of the CIO agenda Brands like Velcro and Kleenex have become so much a part of people’s lives that they are now used as universal references for all products in that category – or sometimes used as verbs, as is the case with Google. One of the latest brands to gain “household verb” status is the ride...

/ai /retail

Bo Harald

Bo Harald Chairman/Founding member, board member at Trust Infra for Real Time Economy Prgrm & MyData,

Real Time Economy Data, MyData and BigData

We are now moving deeper into the data driven economy so it is necessary to reflect on the journey so far and what we see on the horizon. 1. First the Why. The Real Time Economy program has been focusing on improving competitiveness especially for the SME-sector from the very beginning (2006) for three reasons: 1. About 65% of turnover and employme...

/ai Innovation in Financial Services

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Emerging Technologies: The Future of Fixed Income

Around 80% of all US corporate bond volume (based on dollar amount) is still traded telephonically, while 90% of all US equities volume (based on dollar amount) is traded electronically. This disparity is quite shocking on the surface, but when you look under the hood of the two markets one can understand why this is the case. Equity markets are m...

/ai Blockchain Observations

Retired Member

Retired Member 

GRC 2019: All hands on tech

Today’s risk environment is dynamic. Businesses have to deal efficiently and effectively with a constant onslaught of new regulations, cybersecurity threats and the rise of the consumer voice via social media and sites like As such, many organisations have turned to integrated governance, risk, and compliance (GRC) technologies to help...

/ai Fintech

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