Despite the fact that financial professionals perceive finances as something rational and clear, for ordinary people it’s a complex task to undertake. Usually, it is not easy and requires a lot of time and effort. So a poorly designed financial platform could become a real frustrating nightmare for the user. It’s vital to understand the importance...
07 May 2019 /retail /devops Innovation in Financial Services
Great results are based on great inspiration. Banking design is no exception, especially as finance might be the industry most affected by the curse of routine, and this shows in lack of emotions and user-centricity. We believe there's no chance to provide a delightful and enjoyable customer experience if you can't step “out of the box.” That's wh...
23 April 2019 Innovation in Financial Services
Digital technology disrupts the financial industry and all bank branches could be closed by 2034. Digital disruption focuses on customer expectations and behavior, which is a game changer. We see global banking digital transformation, but it is not always customer-friendly. Why? We believe it's because of a lack of an Experience mindset. Disruptio...
26 March 2019 /people /retail Innovation in Financial Services
It can be a major challenge to adapt a financial company to the fast-paced digital world. For some, it’s not only about success in the future but a question of existence. At the same time, there are hugely successful companies that are achieving extraordinary results with minimal resources. What’s their secret? After analyzing their approach, we’v...
08 January 2019 Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation
Finance 2.0
Online Banking
Disruption in Retail Banking
Ron BenegbiFounder & CEO at Uplinq Financial Technologies
Philipp BuschmannFounder & CEO at AAZZUR
Sanjay WadhwaniFounder & CEO at MetaFrames
Andrew LawtonFounder & CEO at Reskube Ltd
Anton ChashchinFounder & CEO at N7 Capital
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