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TV still slightly ahead

Internet has gained 117% from 2004 to today, radio lost 16%, newspapers 17%, magazines 6% - but TV kept its position (source Forrester). And this is the population at large - surely the trendsetters have changed even more.  Small wonder that advertising has followed. Interestingly - changes 2008-9 are smaller or even reversed.

The big change is of course that Internet comes with easy interactivity, payments integration and strong e-id tools. Naturally also entirely new dimensions of personalization with connections to different databases (especially databases of intent via Google) and learning IT in the background and teaching in the foreground. We have only seen the beginning of Advertisement as a Service. Now it is the time for banks to think hard how their high volumes of e-banking log-ons and notifications of various sorts also can serve customers and sales promotion at the same time - all the way from see2buy..


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Bo Harald

Bo Harald

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Transmeri, Demos, Real Time Economy Program,MyData

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Helsinki Region

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