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Also the Product Passport should be a Verifiable Credential

Proposal to the EWC consortium (the large scale EU pilot led by Sweden and Finland).
1. EWC is focusing on the all-important organisation wallet (general purpose and interoperable for states, municipalities, enterprises and 3rd sector organisations).
2. All credential exchange (credentials also needed for exchange of mass data in Data spaces, Peppol - etc) will easily be accomplished here once the rule book support is in place. Some 60 wallet applications are already listed in Open Wallet Foundation.
3. Now the need for product passports in several sectors is getting attention. Should be clear to all that sending and receiving also these credentials should be done between wallets
I propose that EWC makes a blueprint for testing the ecosystem needed for such verifiable data. Bosch has already done some work also in this area.


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Bo Harald

Bo Harald

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Helsinki Region

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