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Call it a fact wallet - not an ID-wallet

Why? Because too many still think that the wallets will be used only or mainly to identify citizens. When they in fact will serve life events not only for citizens - but also for organizations and things - with all sorts of verified data - building the identity - all the way to a digital twin (if so chosen).

The state issued identification credential is naturally important - also in countries where strong e-identification services have been delivered by banks for ages. These are now so ingrained that they will be very helpful in getting the EUDI-wallets off ground fast. And there is no need to wait. and Open Wallet Foundation have already listed over 60 wallet applications and many of these are already de-facto EUDI-compliant. 

Instead of debating wallets we should thus move to credential issuing and the obligation of the public sector to make the market - not only spend tax payers money in lofty legislation and high level declarations. Finnish Social security will complete the pensioner credential case soon and using it for rebates (starting with public transport) will open more eyes in an important and growing segment.


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