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Overestimating first and then underestimating impact

Inspired by excellent presentations (Nokia and Fortum CEOs stood out with passionate commitment for sustainabity) and prizewinner speaches at I connected back to the launch of home e-banking in 1982 and the many new service layers we buildt and keep building on this.

The way we did it was to start early, engage the then large branch network for personal selling to private and corporate customers - first e-banking then using the machine created, trust and user habit in connecting-customers services like e-id, e-commerce real time payments, e-invoicing and e-salary.  All was of course well supported by many global awards and both international and Nordic media publishing glorifying stories about us. 

The point based on this is that you have to:

1. have a very clear mission and purpose for the entire organisation and an even radical vision

2. start early but do not try to be perfect from day one. Keep tuning the legacy systems towards supporting real time e-banking while gradually adding less frequently used services.

3. accept that it takes time for people to change their habits. Too many early banks gave up - and had to do hasty starts or restarts later. Very expensive and risky. Staying power is a must once you have the strong vision.

4. understand that there are no corporate customers - only humans in different roles. When they can use the same trusted often needed tools in both home and work roles adoption will be much fastet and satisfaction so much higher. For example I experience it now when I can log in both to my personal and my SMEs accounts with the same PIN and face at Nordea. 

The point is that we should not be disappointed when we overestimate the change in the short term and jump ship.  We should know already from experience that we can only underestimate the impact in the longer run. Much because so many unexpected follow-on innovations flow to ready trust and user habits. 

These lessons are now more important than ever - as attention span has almost disappeared and personal selling is very difficult to deploy on a large scale. We were lucky to be able to roll it out when there was an enthusisastic branch network doing much of the work.


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Bo Harald

Bo Harald

Chairman/Founding member, board member

Transmeri, Demos, Real Time Economy Program,MyData

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04 Nov 2008


Helsinki Region

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